Posts Tagged ‘pagan’

It’s that time of year again! You’ll soon be barraged by the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. Shoppers will soon go into spending overdrive, and when the bills arrive, some will wonder if it’s really worth it. Here’s a perspective from one who kicked the Christmas habit. This year I had to stop for a moment as my 9-year-old son rattled off his Christmas list to me. I wanted to let him know about the facts surrounding the holiday, so I asked him to write down what Christmas really meant to him.

Now my son is an above average student so he was willing to take on the challenge with a smile and as he did so I couldn’t help but reminiscence about the days when I was growing up with my brother in the projects. At the time my mother was a single parent raising us on a modest minimum wage salary and it goes without saying that she was struggling just to make ends meet. My brother and I would start finding gifts wrapped throughout our two bedroom apartment as early as June. We would sneak and open the presents, play with them and then before our mother would return home from her second job, my brother and I would simply re-wrap the gifts and carefully place them back into their hiding places. My mother passed away in 2006 and I could never muster enough courage to tell her about our little secret, but I’m sure she loved us enough to let us think that she didn’t know.  We knew early on, there was no Santa Clause but it never stopped us from waking up with anticipation to see what gifts he brought for us each Christmas Day. We were poor but we NEVER went without.

Well, here we are a couple of weeks before Christmas and my son hasn’t given me the paper on what Christmas means to him, but in the spirit of the season…I’ll give me another year to come up with something.

WOW! I apologize for the twist, I actually started writing this blog to bash Christmas but after remember the wonderful memories I spent with my friends and family, the only human thing I can do is wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years.

WE miss you mom.