Posts Tagged ‘MARRIAGE’


“At an Atlanta court appearance Tuesday, he was ordered held until a bail hearing Wednesday. His lawyer declined comment afterward. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara (buh-RAH’-ruh) says Jordan, an Atlanta resident, failed to pay support for two children while earning $27,000 monthly. Prosecutors say Jordan failed to make a voluntary payment in the first nine months of 2013. At the time, he earned $193,000 on the show and another $100,000 from music royalties.” WOW!

Well, it seems Love & Hip Hop’s leading man, Stevie “J” is in trouble of the law again! Forget about the weed charge for now, Stevie “J” will have to deal with paying; get this,  $1,000,000.00 dollars in the rears in back child support. It’s hard to comment on the situation without having all of the relevant facts at hand. I live in a glass house and the last thing in the world I want to do is throw rocks. Having said that, With all of the slick talk on the reality show about making hit songs, opening up a new bar & grill, and magazine ownership, the grammy winner and song writer might want to consider paying his ex child support…I’m just saying!!!!!!!!!!!!


Plain and simple child support ain’t nothing to play with.


Your gentle eyes fall upon me…We embrace. The spirit of motion controls us,I surrender.images (83)

Captivated in time our bodies tremble relying on each others fidelity to stay grounded. The air is think with anticipation, two hearts, two souls………….. ONE LOVE. I can feel your energy. Know my fears.

Then in the moment of trust and tenderness you surrender; trapped somewhere between the jaws of ecstasy and my dreams. Far beyond the boundaries of intimacy and shame, our passions ignites. Your moans energize my endurance which heighten the thrill…..I’m spinning!

Twisted in knots, like a whirl wind, we challenge the limits of our temple by weaving the strands of our souls together as one. In and out my spirit flows, it’s destiny is to erupt. Oh! This ain’t no one night stand. Your passion excites me, delights, me it EN-TI-CES me! Can you feel the heat?

My hormones are in over drive,  let me ride you. Allow me to touch the inner depths of your well. Maybe there I’ll find something new. Pushing my limits of energy to unprecedented heights, your passion swells and as you arch your back—–I strap in for the ride. Pent up frustration starts to flow deep inside. Finally, we cum to the end of our journey compelled to sleep. I wipe a tear from your cheek and smile. To say I love you is an expression, but to be loved by you is (“THE ULTIMATE BLESSING”)

Questions & Comments Welcomed:

1.  Do you think that marijuana should be legalized?


2.  What do you think about same sex marriage?


3.  What is your position on abortion?


4.  What is your take on unmanned drones flying over our homes here in the United States?


5.  Do you feel like our freedoms are slowly being stripped away?