Posts Tagged ‘LANGUAGE ARTS’

Creation (47/52)

I said it once before

But! I might have been misunderstood

I created man in My image

In seven cycles, and saw it was good.


So, who’s up for the debate?

Wait! Let me pull up a seat

But before you get started

Let me explain how this world came to be.


Out of absolute darkness

It appeared from no trace

We were there in the beginning

And watched it stir out in space.


The magnitude of creation

Was covered by a veil of night

Until Comic dust sparked a wave

That brought about the first day of light.


We bestowed upon man, woman

And the knowledge of the tree

Then set the sun on the horizon

To marvel at its reflection in the sea.

I watched mountains grow up

To their highest peak

And in the valley below

Rose buds blossom, just to hear me speak.


Now it’s because of your arrogance

I felt the need to reflect

For every galaxy you discover

Another star I erect.


Wasn’t it the father of man

Who succumb to the lies of a snake?

Yet! You have the nerve

To be confused and irate.


You have to believe in something greater than yourself

In order to truly be free

Even with my Supreme Authority

You’ll find in the scrolls the reference, WE.


You were endowed with My Spirit

And inherited the sea

Now my only question for you is,

“What on earth, have you done for me?”

girl@cafeAs I savor the body

Of Madeira

Éclair is on my mind

We met one Summer Day

In an out-of-the-way café

On the outskirts of chance

In a little town known to me


It was a day

That I will never forget

Sally Lunn was a good friend of mine

At the time

You can say that she enticed me

To make éclair’s acquaintance

It seem like just yesterday

I was having a toast

With Sherry and Rose

And out of nowhere

Éclair Appeared.


I thought perhaps

She lost her way

And unexpectedly stumbled

Into our mist.

 I was startled at first

I must admit,

But after making room at the table

I didn’t mine the intrusion

Éclair was unlike

Any other dish I had laid eyes on

She wasn’t at all like

Tia Maria who accompanied me

To the Captain’s dinner

On a three-day cruise to Jamaica

But that is a story for another time and place.

Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a little salsa

Every now and then

Although I must say that

I prefer to start my mornings

With something a little Blond and Sweet


But with age my taste

For Éclair diminished

And if I ever loved her

I’m not in touch with that part of myself anymore

Although the connection we established

In the café that Summer

Can’t be denied

So I guess I’ll sit here staring

At the body of Madeira

With fond memories

Of Éclair on my mind.

The Runner.

I tend to learn a little more…

Each time I scrape my knee,

Change a flat,

Or see the sunrise in the morning.

The scare reminds me

Anytime I’m feeling low

I’ve got to stand up,

Wipe off my wound,

Reduce the stress

And somehow find a way to leap over adversity.

Now that I’ve had time to heal

I realize the depth of my struggle

Will inspire me to reach new heights.

Well, it appears to be a lot of speculation in the air in Washington, DC about the Impeachment of the President. Now when an Impeachment process involves a U.S. President, the Chief Justice is required to preside during the Senate trial. Trial? Wait a minute, what kind of law did President Obama commit? The United States Constitution states in Article II, Section 4: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, a Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

To this date there have been three President impeachment proceedings: In 1868 against President Andrew Johnson for his removal of Secretary of War Edwin Staton in Violation of Tenure of Office Act – 1974 against President Richard Nixon for the Watergate cover-up – 1998-99 against President Bill Clinton for concealing an extramarital affair.

Impeachment in the United States is an expressed power of the legislature that allows for formal charges against a civil officer of government for crimes in office. The actual trial on those charges, and subsequent removal of an official on conviction on those charges, is separate from the act of impeachment itself. Impeachment is analogous to indictment in regular court proceedings, while trial by the other house is analogous to the trial before judge and jury in regular courts. Typically, the lower house of the legislature will impeach the official and the upper house will conduct the trial.

Man, all this talk about formal charges and trials is enough to make you question what’s going on in the White House that we need to know about.  Why don’t we put it all in perspective. “An Impeachment”, is an indictment where the House of Representatives, they then turn over their complain to the House Judiciary Committee that conducts an investigation (similar to a grand jury) to determine if there is enough evidence to warrant articles of impeachment (an indictment) against the President. The Committee then drafts articles of impeachment pertaining to specific charges supported by the evidence. The House then appoints members of Congress to act as managers(or prosecutors).

Two U.S. Presidents have actually been impeached by the House of Representative but acquitted at the trials held by the Senate: Andrew Johnson(trial) and Bill Clinton(trial). The House Judiciary Committee voted on Articles of Impeachment for President Richard Nixon, but he resigned before the full House of Representatives could vote on any articles. Since the entire House did not vote, Nixon was never impeached. If you ask me, it’s all smoking glass and mirrors. It seems like the law makers are playing a game of chess in Washington and they need to deploy an all out assault in an attempt to make their opponent make a mistake, knowing their demise imminent.

Truthly speaking, it will never happen. Even if the House of Representatives build up enough courage to bring the charges against the standing president, it will fail due to the simple fact their allegations lack merit. What do you think happen during the time the world was captivated by the Bill Clinton impeachment proceedings? There are other things which lie beneath but if your get caught up in the distractions, you’ll find yourself lying cold in the streets.  This is Maestro!

My destination is weary, leading me on a path to repent. So I’m sitting here consuming the news, trying desperately to make sense of all of it. What is left if I subtract the fact that I’m already dead? Wondering through empty fields of concepts, as my sanity hangs by a tread. I’m holding on to the edge of the cliff, in spite of the constant changing weather. Waiting for my consciousness to lose its grip, which holds everything I’ve ever owned together. Even if I whether this storm, after years of falling rain, I can’t keep sitting here getting high, expecting my conditions to change.

Tormented by bad dreams that constantly whisper in my ear, paranoid by the things that out of nowhere seem to just suddenly appear. Wherever, the wind blows I flow in search of finding something missing. And despite the clouds that dissipate, the eye of the storm keep right on…twisting. My memory bank is low and I’m all out of opinions to defend. So I keep my eyes on the door, waiting for the answer to come walking in. I’ve witness humans feeding on flesh and so-called minister’s who turned out to be fakes. So I peddle backwards; while maintaining a visual, until I can find a suitable exit to escape. Living in a world where uncertainty is the savior I fear, and to think that the day after tomorrow…may not ever get here.

I am composed of matter,

consciousness, fury, pain,

loneliness, triumphant, envy,


I am the dawning of a new age

I am the solstice peak

I am an author, I am rage

I am not afraid to speak.

I am the son of creation

I am the reflection on the sea at night

I am  the Prince of a fallen nation,

who is struggling to reclaim what’s right.

I am positive, over negative

divided by simple logic and stats,

I am amazing, I am grace

I am a father, in fact.

I am a medley of songs

Everyday that I play it’s a gift.

From the depth of my sole,

to the very soul of my lips.

I am more than a figment of you imagination

I am perfection; not achieved,

a son of God

  twice conceived.

I am a body of invention

In a silhouette bound by customs, limitations and beliefs.

So I stand before you a man

derived of nothing more than imitation and speech.

We live in a world of back bitters,

habitual liars, homicidal lunatics, snakes,

dope dealers, cop killers, crocket politicians

who call themselves great.

I’m at the end of my rope

and I’m sick and tired

of waiting for help

So despite the odds which are stacked

so heavily against me

I’ve got to play

the cards I’ve been dealt.

When given the choice,

I found myself on the other side

of the fence.

Some of you may say I’ve fallen

by the way side,

But I’m still not entirely convinced.

Laying beneath layers of guilt

on top of the comforter

of my bed

holding to my last breath

as if I was already

pronounced dead.

I often find myself sleepwalking

in a make believe ending

of a fairy tale

Stepping’ over homeless people,

crack pipes and the mental fragments

of the lies we tell.

Some nights I feel as though I’m falling

and I can’t seem to catch my grip

and other days I wake up drowning

in some alleyway stiff.

No matter what mirror I stare in

I see the same

old fate

because the point of my existence

ultimately depends on

a certain time and space.

We have adopted this abandoned lifestyle

left in front

of our door steps

As the “WE SHALL OVERCOME” anthem

Continues to thrive and humor itself.

I’m trapped in my own visions

and wrapped in sorrow

because I’m black

Walking barefooted on whore strolls,

chasing augmented dreams

on a track

As I sit here staring doing time

searching for an answer

that fits

I toss and turn

late at night

saying that tomorrow

could be it.

But I know deep in my heart

that somewhere

the strange hands and soul

of a slave unknown to me

spilled his blood along the embankment

so that you and I

could someday be free.

Dress me
In an armored suit
Worthy of my grave
Comfort me
With the attention
Undeserving of a slave.
Don’t try to judge me
On my defiance
Or my relentless pursuit,
Or despise me insufferably
For the hate that caused one of my brother’s
To loot.
All I ask for
Is my due respect,
You don’t have to be afraid
And remember me
To be something more,
Than another nigga’ betrayed.
I just want to be happy
During the final days
Of my quest
So shower me
With the blessings
Of your undying wholesomeness.
And whatever you do
Don’t spite me on some street corner
In the hood
Just bury me free
In hollowed ground,
Beside other brother’s who understood.