Posts Tagged ‘vote’

Neither the surge of influx of children crossing the border into the United States nor the legislation to do something about the immigration minors is enough for our government to rely on bi-partisan politics as a solution to the problem . Under current law a child apprehended entering into this Country will not be sent back to their respective country until they have had a hearing. In most instances, the children will be given the opportunity to acquire authorization to stay in the country. The origins of illegal immigration date to the late nineteenth century. In 1875, a federal law was passed which prohibited entry of convicts and prostitutes. In 1882 President Chester A. Arthur banned almost all Chinese immigration to the United States, and shortly thereafter barred paupers, criminals and the mentally ill from entering. Although this affected only a small percentage of immigrants, there were now distinctions between legal and illegal immigration. Before this, immigration was barely regulated. So what is “THE LAW ON IMMIGRANT MINORS?”

Before we look further into the anatomy of “Immigration Reform”, I want you to view this matter objectively without the spin of politics. Because as I see it, both parties are equally responsible for the current laws on the books. It’s amazing how after shit blows up in their faces, each party tries their best to cover up the smell with some off brand fragrance. Everybody always wants to adopt the quick fix prowess as a solution. Which in essence merely delays the inevitable because at the end of the day, “the smell is still lingering.” So lets be clear, the immigration laws; as a whole, have been yet another failed policy for this country. Now in my honest opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with trial and error. But what irks me is none of the politician are willing to accept RESPONSIBILITY. At some point this country with have another progressive spurt like the one embodied in the “DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE” and see through the smoking mirrors.

The fact is children have arrived in the United States without their parents for decades, but over the past two years the flow has become a veritable flood of youths — mostly from Central America — crossing the border in groups and sometimes with the help of adult migrant-smugglers. Their numbers are so large that earlier this month President Barack Obama called the situation a humanitarian crisis. Since 2009, the number of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the U.S. border has sharply increased. The journey for these children is long, expensive, and dangerous. So is President Obama soft on matters related to immigration & foreign policies or is his administration following the laws passed by Congress when he steps up and tries to an issue that has  been a part of this country dating back to the late nineteenth century. So what does the actual law on Immigration say about the “Immigration of Minors?”


The Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) was signed into law on August 6, 2002. CSPA was enacted to address the problem of minor children losing their eligibility for immigration benefits because they had aged-out or turned 21 years old as a result of processing delays on the part of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services or the Department of State. It was not intended to benefit an applicant who aged-out due to the unavailability of a visa number.

Now you know how we do it here at STREET JUSTICE, I have no intentions on trying to spoon feed you with the tracking language hiding in plain site. All you have to do is GOOGLE the CHILD STATUS PROTECTION ACT (CSPA) and you’ll see for yourself this has absolutely nothing to do with the Obama Administration, but it falls on the ENTIRE system of government. Because in order for the legislation to have passed into to law, Democrats as well as Republicans would have had to vote on it. Basically, the LAW ON IMMIGRANT MINORS is another magic trick; or misdirection, performed by the media and we as the audience have to simply keep our eyes on the cards. In this case the law.

Well, all of this talk about Milk & Honey has got me on edge. I think I’ll go out into my backyard take off my pants and scream at top of my lungs…And hope the entire fiasco’s not captured on tape by a flying DRONE!  Freedom, you’ve got to love it! This is Maestro.

Well, here we are with a token acting on behalf of a system; that doesn’t give a rats ass about him, to keep the populace at large divided. The gentleman in the YOUTUBE video has absolutely no clue of the implications associated with his, so-called standing up for the Second Amendment.  I can guarantee you one thing, if he had been advocating increasing the salaries for the teachers in public schools he wouldn’t have been given the time or day. Let alone his own show during prime time television viewing periods.

What is so remarkable about owning a gun anyway? Does it give you a certain feeling of prestige or accomplishment? The same type one would have being a member of an elite club or non-profit organization. Or maybe it gives one status and helps them cope with getting their ass whipped on the school yard.  In my opinion, this in nothing more than another example of big government and CORPORATIONS placing “We THE People” in the mist of their games to further their political agenda! Once again,  I am Maestro blazing it up and coming to you live with what I consider to be a hot topic. I for one, have never owned a gun in this country and I don’t see the need for one. If I don’f feel safe in an area I live in, I simply move. Oh! And a good security system helps me sleep like a baby.

So, back to the nature at hand, Children are being brutality gunned down on playgrounds and in their classrooms where they are being sent to get an education. College students with promising careers are having their dreams shattered and innocent everyday people are losing their lives all because the government is more caught up with pleasing CORPORATIONS than protecting  it’s greatest asset. (“IT’S CITIZENS) The framers of the Constitution were adamant  about establishing a government by the people and for the people. This system of government was founded on taking the power away from government officials and placing it into the hands of it’s citizen. A concept long forgotten in this country.

Somewhere between the twisted commentary and convoluted debates lies the answer to what has become one of the nations number one threat. And it’s not the so-called WAR ON DRUGS or the fight against TERRORISM. It is  “THE GUN DEBATE!” Both sides have a rendition on what they feel will reduce the chances of our children falling victim to another random act of senseless rage. And I use the term RANDOM, loosely. Here are a few reasons given regarding the epidemic:

  1. Video Games
  2. Mentally Ill
  3. Lack Registration  Policies for Convicted Felonsimages (91)
  4. Not enough guns in the hands of law abiding citizens

All right lets attack these point one at a time shall we?

  1. Video Games – Do video games contribute to youth violence? 97% of 12-17 year olds in the US played video games in 2008, thus fueling an $11.7 billion domestic video game industry. In 2008, 10 of the top 20 best-selling video games in the US contained violence. A lengthy study by Mother Jones magazine found that at least 38 of the 61 mass shooters in the past three decades “displayed signs of mental health problems prior to the killings.Violent video games have been blamed for school shootings, increases in bullying, and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts. Personally speaking, I was raised during an era when parents forced kids to get out of the house and participate in extra curricular activities at school. Having friends over to sit around spoiling the furniture playing video games just wasn’t the order of the day. Well times have changed, but the psychological state of humans still reigns supreme. I realize an individuals thoughts can be influenced by images and perceptions. Take a look at America for instance, the election of a Black president ushered in the notion there is equality for the Black man in America. But we all now that favor falls on the straight middle class White male here the United States.

Case in point, IF these mass shooting had been carried out by men of color, legislation governing their indiscretion would have been swift and stern. As a matter of fact, MANDATORY MINIMUM LAWS would have already been enacted and the NRA would no more have a dog in the fight than Michael Vick. Be that as it may, unfortunately children and otherwise innocent American’s are being placed in a crossfire. Leaving us to resent one another and act out on our frustrations.

2.  Mentally Ill – What did all the mass shooters have in common?

a. They all had a documented history of mental illness.

b. They all had reasonably easy access to legally owned firearms.

For many people, their preferred response is to imply, or draw the conclusion that, had these perpetrators received the proper medical treatment and monitoring, these horrific tragedies could have been prevented. The logical response is then to improve ourimages (92) handling of these mentally ill people. Not only could this prevent future tragedies from occurring, but then even if they do, we know that we will have done all that we reasonably could have to prevent them.

The government can’t continue to blame it’s inadequate gun control policies on the mentally impaired. The simple fact remains, they have assess to the weapons. Unless of course, they are considering placing anyone diagnosed with mental illness in a concentration camp. ABSURD! My sentiments actually. I don’t profess being a specialist in the field of mental health, but I when individuals plan and otherwise orchestrate these acts of violence. They tend to choose soft spots to carry out their deeds, so what makes us think for one moment individuals will not case out certain areas before striking. “So much for the mentally impaired. The shooters in a number of these mass shootings; not only take out the time to attack areas of least resistance, they also gear up for the occasion. And in the aftermath, they conveniently snap into a mental state of disorientation. (“I’ll have a life sentence with that GRAMMY!) No seriously,  if armed guards are placed in classrooms the people carrying out these acts will find other soft spots to attack, i.e., (grocery stores, ball games, and parks).

3.  Stricter Regulations against Convicted Felons – This is my favorite one. Now I am going out there on the limb and state for the record, the individuals who carried out a large percentage of documented mass shootings were NOT convicted felons. First of all a convicted felon can’t just ride around with an arsenal of weapons and artillery in the trunk and post MANIFESTOS of their displeasure with the justice system. Believe it or not, with the exception of the gang members in  drive by related offenses criminals motives are to get money. Criminals are not walking into areas of unarmed people and letting the hammer fly. IN NO  WAY SHAPE OR FORM DO I ADVOCATE, SUPPORT OR ENCOURAGE crime. It’s just that the notion of placing more guns on the street concerns me.

images (38)  4.  Not enough guns in the hands of law abiding citizens – I posted an article a while back about the problem associated with flooding the streets with guns. I don’t care how many guns you place on the streets, it’s not going to stop crime from happening. But on the contrary, countries I’ve personally lived in with strict gun laws have very little or no crimes related to gun violence. Don’t get me wrong, there are going to be situations where a person snaps and hopefully local authorities are properly trained to handle the crisis situation. But the notion of just putting guns in everyone’s hand is a disaster waiting to happen. We already witnessed what happened in the George Zimmerman “Murder” trial. We are suppose to be a civilized country. The fact is, as people we may have disagreements but what may escalate a misunderstanding into a murder could very well be one’s interpretation of a situation, that could be easily resolved by good old fashion dialog. Unfortunately, when you place a gun in the hands of (insecure people) bad things happen.

George Zimmerman is a classic example of why vigilantism should be prohibit or otherwise outlawed. Vigilante type of behavior on the streets has already been addressed. Check this out!  There was a case at Columbia University where the students felt the need to write in graffiti, to put one of their classmates on blast who was convicted on sexual assault charges. The student body at large was meet with heavy criticism for their actions.  And even though they had good intentions, the faculty shut down their operation.

NOTE: I will not place the image of any of the shooters on this blog out of respect for the families who lost loved ones. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!images (12)