Posts Tagged ‘VIOLENCE’

Press Release: Open Casting Call for Web Series “CONSEQUENCES”

by Antonio Moses




“Consequences” is currently shooting in Atlanta and surrounding areas

ATLANTA, GA.  ASHANTI FILMS Casting announced today that it is seeking 21-38 year old, both male and female, all ethnicity to fill a small number of roles in the Web Series drama “CONSEQUENCES”, which premieres in 2017.

“We are widening our search to find young actors 21 and older who can pass for urban drama roles in episodes.  “While this open call is primarily for a specific episode, this will also enable us to keep a pool of young actors in our files for use on future episodes or projects.”

Here is the synopsis: Project Heat meets Snow In the Bluff. Two brother’s are at the top of their game running a multi-million dollar criminal enterprise, which stretches from the streets of Atlanta all the way to the sunny hills of California. The brothers loyalty is tested when their world starts to crumble and they find themselves falling down a spiraling staircase of deceit, lies and betrayal. To compound to their problems they find out a hit has been placed on their heads and no one can be trusted.  This is a web series drama.

An open casting call will take place in Atlanta on Saturday, June 05, 2016, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Johnny M’s Pizza Bistro, 904 Martin Luther King Junior Dr., SW, Atlanta, GA 30318.  Applicants who fit the age requirements (21-38 years old only) will have their photos taken and may be asked to read lines in front of the casting director.

There is no charge to audition for any role.

Interested talent should be available to audition and work as locals in Atlanta, Georgia. No other roles are open to the public at this time, and the casting company cannot accept drop-in or telephone inquiries.

Applicants who are unable to attend Sunday’s open call should email their contact information, acting resume and a photo to  More information about Consequences Casting is available on the writer’s website at


Here we are at the gates of confusion and the voice of reasoning continues to be shut out because no one is willing to send out an invitation. Let’s face it, this problem isn’t going to go away as long as the corporate engine is given fuel to run. Guns are big business in America. the guns and ammunition industry continues to thrive in the United States. This year, the industry is expected to rack up a steady $11.7 billion in sales and $993 million in profits, according to analysts at IBIS World. Gun makers churned out nearly six million guns last year — double the number that they did a decade ago. Civilian gun sales have surged ever since the financial crisis and the election of President Obama. Many buyers, IBIS notes, were either worried about rising crime rates during the downturn or fearful of new gun-control laws under the Obama administration. Since 2007, the industry has grown at a brisk 5.7 percent annual pace.

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Analysts HAVE CALLED Obama “the best thing that ever happened to the firearm industry.”  During the first three-and-a-half years of the Obama administration, the FBI conducted nearly 50 million background checks on gun purchases — nearly double the amount during George W. Bush’s first term. (That’s usually a good indicator of rising interest.) The number of licensed dealerships has risen for the first time in 20 years. Now there is one thing I can say about the Government, whenever something tragic happens an official will seem to always find a scapegoat to take the fall.

I find it amazing how everyone is always caught up in the discussion of making it more difficult for convicted felons and mentally disturbed individuals to obtain firearms. When in fact…all of the mass shootings have  been carried out by so-called tax paying citizens. I don’t call a person crazy who has a sickness in their hearts. Every aspect of slavery was demoralizing and dehumanizing to blacks but to say whites were crazy makes no sense. It boiled down to what was in their hearts and how they perceived the world. The shooters in the mass shootings have one thing in common. They all possess a warped sense of thinking. Which means anyone at any time can be classified as being, “crazy” if they think outside the box or fall outside what we consider normal. Stay focused. They greatest illusionist used props and distractions to pull off their tricks.

So regardless of how stringent the governments policies are, it’s a proven fact guns will fall into the hands of people with bad intentions. Especially, if the perpetrators will be featured as the headline story in the news all over the world. As a practice WE, here on StreetJustice will never give the name of individuals who take it upon themselves to take innocent lives for the sake of fulfilling their selfish agendas. WE will never post their photos, social media sites nor will we deb into their background. We would rather devote that time and effort towards remembering the lives of the victims they harm.  In fact, there should be a bill proposed to erase their existence from every data base in the US. So with all due respect to the victims family members WE would like to take this moment to send out our prayers and best wishes.


WHEN a young man walked into an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012 and murdered 20 small children and six staff with a Bushmaster rifle from his mother’s gun collection, some wondered if a tipping-point had been reached. Surely America would now enact laws to keep lethal weapons out of the wrong hands? America has done nothing but allowed politics to act as our conscious at a time when senseless violence continue to plague our soil. Don’t get me wrong…I am not so caught up with in the tragedy that I have abandoned common sense. There is absolutely no way to keep us safe from all dangers. Placing a ban on gun will not solve our problem. There are a lot of factors to consider in this discussion. But there has to be an open forum established and lawmakers have to be held accountable for the choices they make regarding this matter.

Numbers don’t lie! Or can we be deceived by general stats to make us feel safer? Particularly, when statistics are involved, the determination of what constitutes a credible fact (and what does not) can contain elements of personal subjectivity. It is our mission to minimize subjective information and to provide highly factual content.

At the 2013 homicide rate, roughly one in every 285 Americans will be murdered in the course of their lives.

* A U.S. Justice Department study based on crime data from 1974-1985 found:

• 42% of Americans will be the victim of a completed violent crime (assault, robbery, rape) in the course of their lives.

• 83% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime.

• 52% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime more than once.

* A 1997 survey of more than 18,000 prison inmates found that among those serving time for a violent crime, “30% of State offenders and 35% of Federal offenders carried a firearm when committing the crime.”

HotlantaOfficialCoverIT IS FINALLY OFFICIAL “HOTLANTA!” IS ON SALE. Being from Atlanta just got even sweeter. Not only does Atlanta have some of the best night clubs  and job opportunities for African Americans, it has also become a thriving metropolis. The type of city where a brother can be just about what he wants to be. Arguably Atlanta is one of the hottest cities in the United States and in my opinion a fantastic place to live. Now it doesn’t matter what end of the spectrum you land on, HOTlanta has something for you. There are a lot of stories in the naked city and Antonio Moses masterfully bring some of them to life in his new book “HOTLANTA!” Antonio is the author who brought you RITA (The Sole Survivor) and it seems like he has a lot more Urban Tales in the chamber to entertain you with. Find out how Karma plays its way into the lives of DESHAWN “Two-Step” WHITHERSPOON “a talented NFL football player”  and ANDRE MATHIS a young trial attorney who makes history by becoming the first Black attorney in a Jewish law firm. “HOTLANTA” will also take you deep into the trap of the first projects in the U.S., “Techwood”, and find out what two street hustlers “SOLO and RED EYES”  are willing to do to make a buck. HOTLANTA is made up of two banging short stories, “What Goes Around & THERE COMES A TIME”. These stories are fast paced and filled with a lot of passion, drama, and suspense. It has a little something for everyone. This book is guaranteed to keep you “UP” and once you’ve started reading it, you will NOT want to put it down until you’ve finished.

    It’s easy for me to sit here in the comfort of my home and weigh in on the situation unfolding in Ferguson. First and foremost we want to take this moment to send a shot out to the parents of Reginald Brown. It is a tragedy when we are still plagued with ignorance and racism at this day and age. What we plan to do is touch on a few topics which are in dire need of explanations. Lets look closely at what goes into a GRAND JURY and what its function is. We also are going to define what “DEADLY FORCE” AND WHY WE SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE TRACKING LANGUAGE OF IT’S MEANING RATHER THAN THE ACTIONS TAKEN BY BIAS POLICE OFFICERS.

    Justice or Just Us?

    Justice or Just Us?

    The purpose of the grand jury is not to determine guilt or innocence, but to decide whether there is probable cause to prosecute someone for a felony crime. The grand jury operates in secrecy and the normal rules of evidence do not apply. The prosecutor runs the proceedings and no judge is present.
    The grand jury has a long and honorable tradition. It was recognized in the Magna Carta, the first English constitutional document, which King John granted in 1215 at the demand of his subjects. The first English grand jury consisted of twelve men selected from the knights or other freemen, who were summoned to inquire into crimes alleged to have been committed in their local community. Thus, grand jurors originally functioned as accusers or witnesses, rather than as judges.
    Over the years, the hallmarks of our modern grand jury developed in England. For example, grand jury proceedings became secret, and the grand jury became independent of the Crown. As a result, a grand jury is able to vote an indictment or refuse to do so, as it deems proper, without regard to the recommendations of judge, prosecutor, or any other person. This independence from the will of the government was achieved only after a long hard fight. It can best be illustrated by the celebrated English case involving the Earl of  Shaftasbury, who, in 1681, fell under the suspicion of the Crown. Displeased with him, the Crown presented to the grand jury a proposed bill of indictment for high treason and recommended that it be voted and returned. After hearing the witnesses, the grand jury voted against the bill of indictment and returned it to the King,
    holding that it was not true.
                –  A GRAND JURY’S TASK
    The Grand Jury’s Tasks As stated above, the federal grand jury’s function is to determine whether a person shall be tried for a serious federal crime alleged to have been committed within the district where it sits. Matters may be brought to its attention in three ways:
              (1) by the United States Attorney or an Assistant United States Attorney;
    (2) by the court that impaneled it; and
    (3) from the personal knowledge of a member of the grand jury or from matters properly brought to a          member’s personal attention. In all these cases, the grand jury must hear evidence before taking action.
    What Is The Function Of A Grand Jury?

    What Is The Function Of A Grand Jury?

    After it has received evidence against a person, the grand jury must decide whether the evidence presented justifies an indictment, or “true bill,” which is the formal criminal charge returned by the grand jury. Upon the indictment’s being filed in court, the person accused must either plead guilty or nolo contendere or stand trial.
    If the evidence does not persuade the grand jury that there is probable cause to believe the person committed a
    crime, the grand jury will vote a “no bill,” or “not a true bill.” When this occurs, the person is not required to
    plead to a criminal charge, and no trial is required.


    An amount of force that is likely to cause either serious bodily injury or death to another person.

    Police officers may use deadly force in specific circumstances when they are trying to enforce the law. Private citizens may use deadly force in certain circumstances in SELF DEFENSE. The rules governing the use of deadly force for police officers are different from those for citizens.

    During the twelfth century, the COMMON LAW allowed the police to use deadly force if they needed it to capture a felony suspect, regardless of the circumstances. At that time, felonies were not as common as they are now and were usually punishable by death. Also, law officers had a more difficult time capturing suspects because they did not have the technology and weaponry that are present in today’s world. In modern times, the courts have restricted the use of deadly force to certain, dangerous situations.

    In police jargon, deadly force is also referred to as shoot to kill. The Supreme Court has ruled that, depending on the circumstances, if an offender resists arrest, police officers may use as much force as is reasonably required to overcome the resistance. Whether the force is reasonable is determined by the judgment of a reasonable officer at the scene, rather than by hindsight. Because police officers can find themselves in dangerous or rapidly changing situations where split second decisions are necessary, the judgment of someone at the scene is vital when looking back at the actions of a police officer.

    The Supreme Court has defined the “objective reasonableness” standard as a balance between the rights of the person being arrested and the government interests that allow the use of force. The FOURTH AMENDMENT protects U.S. citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures, the category into which an arrest falls. The Supreme Court has said that a SEARCH AND SEIZURE is reasonable if it is based on PROBABLE CAUSE and if it does not unreasonably intrude on the rights and privacy of the individual. This standard does not question a police officer’s intent or motivation for using deadly force during an arrest; it only looks at the situation as it has happened.

    For deadly force to be constitutional when an arrest is taking place, it must be the reasonable choice under all the circumstances at the time.Therefore, deadly force should be looked at as an option that is used when it is believed that no other action will succeed. The MODEL PENAL CODE, although not adopted in all states, restricts police action regarding deadly force. According to the code, officers should not use deadly force unless the action will not endanger innocent bystanders, the suspect used deadly force in committing the crime, or the officers believe delay in arrest may result in injury or death to other people.

    Circumstances that are taken into consideration are the severity of the offense, how much of a threat the suspect poses, and the  to resist or flee the police officer. When arresting someone for a misdemeanor, the police have the right to shoot the alleged offender only in self-defense. If an officer shoots a suspect accused of a misdemeanor for a reason other than self-defense, the officer can be held liable for criminal charges and damages for injuries to the suspect. This standard was demonstrated in the Iowa case of Klinkel v. Saddler,211 Iowa 368, 233 N.W. 538 (1930), where a sheriff faced a WRONGFUL DEATH lawsuit because he had killed a misdemeanor suspect during an arrest. The sheriff said he had used deadly force to defend himself, and the court ruled in his favor.

    I don’t know how many times we have to revisit this situation and think for one moment it’s going to change itself. The laws in this country are written in a way that it always protects the hierarchy. It’s difficult to bring a civil action against individual operating behind the corporate veil, let alone mount a defense against an over zealous cop once he has set his mind a subject is a “threat”.  The laws in this country are too ambiguous and typically affect the poorest in society. It’s a damn shame a persons liberty rest in his or her ability to afford an attorney to represent them once the government has brought up charges against them. I realize the constitution of the United States guarantees each citizens an attorney in criminal cases. But when has it been customary for an employee to fight against the hand that feeds them? This is Maestro man…Amplify the Mumble!


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Blacks and Whites have shared a love/hate relationship here in America. A lot and can be said about the dynamics and complexity of the history leading back to the shores of the Ivory Coast in West Africa. The subject has worn on my physic for longer than most of you can possibly imagine. Nevertheless, like a ketchup stain splattered on the kitchen wall becomes part of the wallpaper, we have become desensitized to the suffering experienced by the Black man here in America. I for one, do not have all the intellect to answer to this aged old dilemma plaguing our community. Therefore, I felt the need to evaluate, “The Shade of Black and White in America” in an attempt to better understand the challenges our country faces in the coming years.

Let’s lapse back in time for a moment when Rodney King was the focus of media attention. It is safe to say that the events leading up to the 1992 Los Angeles riots, were by and large contributed to the verdict handed down by a jury for the police involving the excessive use of force after detaining  Rodney King during a traffic stop. February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was gunned down by George Zimmerman; a wantna be police officer, in Sanford, Florida. The fatal shooting of the 17-year old African America by then 28 year old “neighborhood watch security guard caused pandemonium and unrest throughout the United states and abroad in the international community.

Now let’s flip the coin on the other side for a moment and evaluate the same set of circumstances but in this example the individual firing the weapon is a BLACK Woman, her name is Marissa Alexander.

She was convicted in 2012 under Florida’s 10-20-life law, which requires a mandatory minimum sentencing in certain crimes involving a firearm. Alexander was previously denied immunity under the state’s Stand Your Ground law. KEEP IN MIND” NO ONE” WAS INJURED. By the way George Zimmerman used the same defense, HE DIDN’T FIRE A WARNING SHOT AND KILLED A YOUNG BLACK MALE AND WAS FOUND INNOCENT.

Most recently a jury has found Michael Dunn, the Florida man accused of shooting an unarmed teenager to death during a dispute over loud music, guilty of four charges, but the jury was unable to reach a decision on the top count, first-degree murder. Dunn, who is white, fired 10 shots into an SUV, killing Jordan Davis, 17, who was black. The shooting in a convenience store parking lot in Jacksonville erupted after Dunn asked the teenagers in the vehicle to turn down their music.

Dunn was charged with first-degree murder, three counts of attempted second-degree murder and one count of firing into a vehicle in the Nov. 23, 2012, shooting. The jury couldn’t reach a decision on the first-degree murder charge, but convicted on the other four.

Dunn contended he acted in self-defense. Prosecutors suggested that Dunn, 47, was angry because he was being disrespected by a young black man.

Dunn was remanded to the custody of authorities. Sentencing, which could total as much as 75 years in prison, was set for around March 24.

The sequestered jury began its deliberations Wednesday, a week after opening statements began. That Dunn had fired into the SUV and killed Davis was never in question. What the jury had to determine was whether Dunn had acted in self-defense.

The proceedings are the latest in a series of murder cases with claims of self-defense that have roiled Florida and garnered national attention. George Zimmerman, who identifies as Latino, was acquitted of murdering an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, during a confrontation on Feb. 26, 2012. Another case, involving a former police captain accused of killing a man in a movie theater after a dispute over texting, is working its way through the courts.

As in the Zimmerman case, race has been a subtext in the Dunn trial. Prosecutors maintained that Dunn repeatedly shot at the black teenagers because they were playing their hip-hop music too loudly.

“This defendant was disrespected by a 17-year-old teenager, and he lost it. He wasn’t happy with Jordan Davis’ attitude. What was his response? ‘You’re not going to talk to me like that,’ ” Assistant State Atty. Erin Wolfson said. “He took these actions because it was premeditated. It was not self-defense.”

But Dunn’s attorney, Cory Strolla, pressed the self-defense claim and argued that Dunn had a right to shoot if he reasonably thought he was in danger.

“We understand Jordan Davis was human and this was a tragedy,” Strolla said. The attorney added later, “Deadly force is justifiable if Dunn reasonably believed he faced an attempted murder of himself or another.”

Florida’s “stand your ground” law allows the defense to seek a special hearing to receive immunity from prosecution before a trial. Dunn did not choose to go that route, but argued that he had acted in self-defense because he thought there was a weapon in the car and he feared for his life.,0,5446202.story#ixzz2uw7uPT57

This is no attempt to open up any old wounds, too many people have already had to deal with the pain of having to lay to rest one of our children for a senseless act. And being the father of two young black males I know what Travyon Martin’s parents must have felt when they were told their son’s life had been senselessly taken.

So at what point is there value placed on the life of an African American? Well, putting it bluntly as history has shown us, “The only time a black man’s life has value is when a white man takes it.” Now, I know that is a hell of a position to take but at some point we have to own up to this crisis in order for there to be any change. As far as I’m concerned, anytime there is an act of violence or heinous crime perpetrated against a man of color by any person, then that person should full the weight of the law on his shoulders. Regardless of his race. Our black leaders should be marching in the black communities right now in protest of the black on black crime being committed at an alarming rate. Our so-called leaders remind me of the ambulance chasers looking for a settlement playing the race card.

I think it’s Ludicrous that we as a race of people have embraced the word,” Nigga”, which was created by the white man at a time when the black man was treated in-humanly. I find it ironic that WE as a race of people embrace such a derogatory word and psychologically use it and feel somehow empowered by using it against ourselves. A very large percent of African Americans will be offended if they heard a Caucasian using the term nigga or nigger. In a study I recently conducted in Los Angeles, CA a black man said in no uncertain terms, “Only a black can call another black a nigga.” What sense does that make? It’s that same warped mentality used to justify the out of control crime rate prevalent in the African American community today.

So apparently, everything is copacetic with the high crime rate and black on black violence as long as we are causing havoc in our own communities and we are responsible for taking the life of another black man.  Now, when an individual of another ethnic persuasion, ie., (Caucasian) takes the life of a brother it’s revered as an outrage.  This type of behavior has plagued our community long enough.

First of all, it has to be established anytime violence rears its ugly head in our community, we as a people will do everything within our power to eradicate the cause, at all cost. Which means championing a cause to speak out against violence in our community. I’m not talking about the gated communities or the subdivisions with expensive HOA fees. I am talking about good common-sense resolve for a condition rapidly spiraling out of control.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) notes that most crime is intra-racial. Which means there is something called, (“WHITE ON WHITE”) crime, (“Korean on Korean”) crime, etc… According to the Justice Statistics the White on White crime rate is 84%. Simply put, all races kill within their own race, but this isn’t to make light of the staggering statistic related to Black on Black violence. Now just because White’s kill White’s and Hispanics kill Hispanics don’t make me sleep at night. I’m concern about the violence plaguing our city streets. We as a race of people have to reevaluate our current situation before we’re not left with anyone at the finish line.





RITA (The Sole Survivor) RitaCover1873 (1)
By Antonio Moses
Publisher: Ashanti Publishing Group
ISBN: 978-0692214244
Published: June 2014
Pages: 378
Genre: African American Urban Fiction
Format Available For Review: PDF

RITA (The Sole Survivor) is a story about a 17 year old girl who had to take on the streets of Atlanta single handed with nothing more than determination by her side. Her childhood was far from the realm of a fairy tale we grew up listening to. Having to raise her 8-year old sister because her mother was strung out on heroin made her mature past her age. She blames all of their hardships on her father for not being there when they needed him the most. She was extremely bitter and wanted to prove she didn’t need a man for shit. Rita realized early on she had to capitalize on the gifts she was born with. She was young, beautiful and most of all deadly. Rita grew up feeling men couldn’t be trusted and she exploited them for their weakness. She used every thirsty ass nigga that crossed her path to try to reach her goal.

Rita’s relationship with her father was confined to the visitation room of a U.S. Federal Penitentiary. He and his partner Sugar Meat were two of the biggest pimps in Atlanta, had a lock on the pimp game. That was until Dillard; Rita’s father, was charged for murdering an informant and white slaver. Everybody abandoned him, including his partner. After blowing trial, he was sentenced to 25 years to life. The only thing Rita could remember growing up as a child was her old man always professed his innocence and keep reassuring her he would be home soon. But after 15 long years of hearing the same old stories; over and over, Rita finally decided to let go.

But little did she know her life was headed on a collision course headed straight for destruction, death and despair. After loosing everything she worked so hard to hold together, she was faced with the chore of having to go back to the one person she vowed to forget. With no one else to turn to Rita had to dig deep inside her fathers past in search of answers. What she discovered rocks the foundation of everything she believes in and it sends her on a ride or die mission to vindicate him. Which means she has to infiltrate a criminal organization ran by one of the most notorious pimps in the South. Unfortunately for her, when it rains it pours. Money, drugs and infatuation sucks her deeper into a life of murder, deception and betrayal. With lies and deceit running rampant Rita becomes consumed by a lifestyle she despises the most, “PROSTITUTION”. When it’s all said and done who will be the one who will be the one left standing?



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If you know the lyrics to this youtube video, chances are we are around the same age. On the other hand, if it’s your first time seeing it take out a few minutes to listen to the lyrics and learn something about how bills are turned into laws.

Thousands of bills are introduced during each Congress. Vanishingly few of them end up becoming law — fewer each year, as Congressional gridlock and dysfunction worsen. Out of 7,207 bills and joint resolutions introduced during this Congress, only 103 have become law — fewer, by this point, than in any other Congress since at least the 1970s.

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MEDICAL MARIJUANA is an issue building up a lot of momentum. There are currently 21 medical marijuana states and several waiting for bills to be passed through. Under federal law, marijuana is treated like every other controlled substance, such as cocaine and heroin. The federal government places every controlled substance in a schedule, in principle according to its relative potential for abuse and medicinal value. Under the CSA, marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug, which means that the federal government views marijuana as highly addictive and having no medical value.

Conflict between State and Federal Law

As of this printing, the federal government claims that marijuana is not medicine and in Gonzales v. Raich (2005), the United States Supreme Court held that the federal government has the constitutional authority to prohibit marijuana for all purposes. Thus, federal law enforcement officials may prosecute medical marijuana patients, even if they grow their own medicine and even if they reside in a state where medical marijuana use is protected under state law. The Court indicated that Congress and the Food and Drug Administration should work to resolve this issue.

The Raich decision does not say that the laws of California (or any other medical marijuana state) are unconstitutional; nor does it invalidate them in any way. Also, it does not say that federal officials must prosecute patients. Decisions about prosecution are still left to the discretion of the federal government.

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In April of this year, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal signed HB 60, a bill which expands the ability to carry firearms in public spaces such as bars and airports. The media was quick to report that this bill is evidence of a backlash against the many significant gun violence prevention laws enacted in the states last year, despite the media’s predominant narrative from last year that, after Newtown, more states weakened gun laws and the gun lobby “won”. The truth is that the recent media narratives are far from accurate.

Despite popular belief, in the last sixteen months since Newtown, the media has incorrectly portrayed the complicated and nuanced activity in fifty different state legislative bodies. The new laws have been tallied, and often, have been inappropriately equalized. Small bills which keep concealed weapons permit holders’ information private have been categorized as having equal weight to sweeping new laws that require background checks and ban assault weapons. The stories proclaiming the Georgia bill to be a pro-gun backlash make little of the fact that it was the NRA’s top priority in Georgia for two years and, after failing last year, barely scraped by this year and only in a watered-down version. The backlash stories also fail to mention the groundswell of activism that rose in opposition to the bill and succeeded in forcing the gun lobby to strip provision after provision from the measure.

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Maestro Speaks

Maestro Speaks