Posts Tagged ‘state of emergency’


Let’s have a discussion…Shall we? What is your take on the current way the criminal justice system, systematically target Blacks. Is it just by “chance” an alarming number of White Officers are gunning down young Black boys in the streets? Or is it just my imagination…Running away with me?


I felt compelled to post the two YouTube videos on the topic of race playing a major role in the disproportionate statistics as they relate to the number of white males incarcerated opposed to black males.  In the interest of peace and communication, I preempted  this topic with the supporting facts and figures for us to rely on.  In general most people tend to argue about topics they know very little about.  For example, I have been in situations where I wasted my time arguing with a colleague about the theory of (2 + 2) not equaling four.   I would sit there; patiently, relying solely on reasoning to console me. But after about an hour the premise of their argument would to reduce to absurdity. I was often disturbed  by their vein attempt to rationalize their proposition. The same argument could be presented; “Is the glass half empty or is it half full?” Finally I realized after studying the Philosophical Logic of Arguments that we can sometimes get caught up in the Rhetorical dynamics of a subject. Simply put  a valid argument doesn’t have to be sound, but sound arguments have to be valid.

So who’s up for the discussion?



A STATE OF AN EMERGENCY HAS BEEN SIGNED BY THE GOVERNOR OF MISSOURI. GOV. Jay Nixon signed a “Declaration Order” to place boots on the ground in Ferguson after two days of civil unrest as a protest of an officer firing 6 shots into the body of an unarmed Michael Brown. A State of Emergency literally means the National Guard will be joining the ranks of the turmoil unfolding on the streets. It is unsure why Jay Nixon, Governor, has deployed the troops to enter in the city, without first addressing the citizens of the state he currently oversees. We all remember how long it took for any type of aid to touch down in New Orleans. The military has been called in without hesitation, but the justice for the officer isn’t swift. That by and large is the reason there is protest and civil unrest.

Let’s get into this topic a bit deeper. First I will explain what a State of Emergency is: A state of emergency is a governmental declaration that announces that the country is in a state of emergency.  This means that the government can suspend and/or change some functions of the executive, the legislative and or the judiciary during this period of time. It alerts citizens to change their normal behavior and orders government agencies to implement emergency plans.

For each state, the conditions required are slightly different. Overall, however, a state of emergency declaration allows state governments to streamline their operations temporarily so they can respond more quickly to events by reassigning personnel and sending vehicles, trucks and heavy equipment to areas affected by storms.

The declaration also gives governors the ability to deploy National Guard troops where needed, close state offices temporarily and work with both state and federal emergency management agencies to manage evacuation orders or restrict travel in affected areas.