Posts Tagged ‘REVOLUTION’




Tupac Shakur’s mother, Afeni Shakur, dies at age 69. She was an American music businesswoman, philanthropist, political activist and Black Panther member.

Afeni Shakur Davis, mother of late rap legend Tupac Shakur who was the subject of one of his most iconic songs and who oversaw his posthumous legacy, has died. She was 69 years old.

Marin County deputies responded to Shakur’s home in Sausalito, Calif., Monday night after she suffered a possible cardiac arrest, the sheriff’s office said Tuesday morning. She was taken to a local hospital and died just before 10:30 p.m.

Shakur, born Alice Faye Williams, changed her name when she moved to New York City and joined the Black Panther movement. She and other party members were arrested in 1969 and charged with conspiracy to bomb multiple, busy city landmarks.

In May 1971, she was acquitted on all charges — and she gave birth to Tupac just one month later.




It’s been a long time since we’ve had a chance to sit down and have a conversation. I won’t patronize you with excuses or long drawn out interpretations on how the plantations affected us as a race. The truth is, I’ve been busy entertaining myself.  Life is a perpetual event with certain drop offs, which sometimes leaves us alone drifting in a stream. I for one, need to come clean and stand on my own two feet and stop blaming someone else to keep my mind at peace.

I’m almost 50 years old, I don’t have anything left and what makes matter worst, I have absolutely nothing to show for it. Everything I’ve done in my life up to this point, has been predicated solely on a views. So many lies to mend, have left me wondering in loss. I’ve been so concern with complying with everyone else’s perceptions rather than living within the confines of my dreams. Having the attention span of a climax, I’ve wasted more time than I care to remember.

Subliminal thoughts have the tendency of occupying most leisure time and making a living is more than a state of mine when the bottom line continue to fall directly at my feet. The constant badgering of relationship coupled with the need to survive have all but taken its toll and the slim possibility of success wears on my subconscious from the distance. Is the rudiment principle I’ve used to ascertain so obvious? Trying so desperately to understand things I recorded from dreams I create. Only to end up dying to make cents in fact. Rigamortis is the metaphor I’ll rely on for that.

Everybody seems to have an opinion of how the story has been told, now sit back for a second to hear how the shit really unfolds. There are so many internal voices constantly haunting me, so I created high expectations of how my life is suppose to be. So if you feel Adam and Even were part of God’s magnificent plan, then what you see here standing before you is the image of the original man. My mind typically wonder at night but I’m focused today. Therefore I’ll keep using these metaphors and popping pills until the pain goes away.

You can’t recant, retract or regard it as fate. Because this breads from a source of everyday living, not something you can record on tape. You entered into an agreement which you thought was discreet and now every single thang you ever worked for belongs to the streets.

Tormented disfigured reels of insanity play, so many opinions invade the storm holding my intuition at bay. I WAS ERECTED FROM A STORM JUST PASSING THROUGH, AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TRY AND CHANGE the clarity of MY point of VIEW. Gravity tends to take hold when I struggle at night and every downer I sneak and take, leaves my head feeling light. This ain’t the type drama you can vicariously get. I grew up listening to stereos, 8-tracks, and Summer Breeze on cassettes.

So what is the basis of this letter? Is it another fad or a LONG drawn out attempt for attention? This is by no stretch of anyone’s imagination some fairy tale ending that leaves us in a comatose state holding hands singing “kumbaya”, only to wake up and return to the mundane lifestyle on the horizon. Some of us sprint to the finish line, but in the end…it’s just a matter of time…..


Copyrights of Antonio Moses/Publisher Ashanti Publishing Group

Shocking footage of police officer assaulting a family.

Trigger happy cops putting in work!


POLICE BRUTALITY! POLICE BRUTALITY! POLICE BRUTALITY! The sad fact that there isn’t enough time in a day for



me to post ALL of the Police Brutality cases popping up all over the country is a damn shame!  For lack of a better word, I am PISSED OFF! We have criminals wearing police uniforms terrorizing the streets. With your permission I am going to free-style on this one. So please excuse me if I don’t use references or draw on statistics. This is raw footage and want to play it unedited. This is Maestro and I pray this post is not taken out of context. But with the way things are unfolding in this country, IT IS WHAT IT IS! For a long time in the early 80’s after the “War on Drugs” was declared, any young African American male driving an expensive car fit the description of a “Drug Dealer”. I remember friends and family members being pulled over in the hood for “Driving Black”. Law enforcement were debriefed and told what to look for as suspicious activity and the 4th Amendment was tossed out the window. As a result, hundreds of thousands of young black African Americans were illegally targets and no one cared.

After the horrific events of 911 unfolded, politicians worked diligently to find someone to point the blame and make public enemy number one. No long thereafter “HOME LAND SECURITY” was sanctioned and with it, profiling Middle Easterners traveling in and out of the United States. One thing the United States is good at is creating a monster to justify implementing their force and domination. What good is having the best arsenal and not having a cause to engage?  There is a saying, Not all Arab’s are terrorist but all known terrorist are Middle Easterners. This is the mentality that has festered in our society for too damn long and it’s time for reform.


Your probably asking yourself, “Maestro what does any of this have to do with all of the Police Brutality going on in our cities?” PROFILING, that’s what. This is to demonstrate how prejudice our system is and that it is in serious need of an overhaul. Police are attacking citizens in practically every state and the first thing the media says is, “You can’t judge all cops by the action of a few.” I beg to differ. What we have here is a double standard. If a citizen breaks the law, he/she has a target on their backs along with studies to support recidivism.  In our current society a felon can’t catch a break, yet the cops who go out of their way to wrongfully convict individuals make it extremely difficult to have any confidence in law enforcement.


Here in American we live in a civil society. The populace in general are law abiding citizens. Most of the people residing in



the boarders of the United States would stop if a police car signals to them and cooperate to the fullest with authorities. So why then are cops so pissed off and abusive? Is it that they are over worked and under paid? If that be the case, they should quit and find new employment. But the simple fact the office which vest the power in these unstable men, won’t handle these cases swiftly and impartially gives these offender cops a pass to act out on emotions rather than experience.

What if the citizens follow suit and start profiling officers? What would we look for…Officer’s wearing a police uniform? Guys dressed up and cruising around in police cars? Regardless of how bias this system is I am not stupid enough to think ALL police officers are bad people. But what do you think about if you’re pulled over one night on a dark and lonely road and out of nowhere police lights appear in your rear-view mirror?  With the current state of emergency at hand, the coin appears to have heads on both sides.

Martial law occurs when the military or militarized law enforcement replaces civilian authorities in order to impose military rule during an emergency. Civil liberties are suspended. In the United States, a pivot point that signals  martial law is the suspension of habeas corpus – the right to a hearing on whether an imprisonment is lawful. In practice, habeas corpus means a person cannot be imprisoned without legitimate charges and due process. The U.S. Constitution recognizes the suspension of habeas corpus as an identifying feature of martial law in Article I, Section 9, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”

Ever since Obama took over the office of the President, there have been a number of people claiming that he was so




interested in power, they could really see him taking steps to ensure that he never had to give it up. Of course, in the past, this kind of talk has been more or less confined to conspiracy theorists and others that mainstream society might consider to be, let’s just say, less than credible.

Now we already know that Obama has signed an executive order giving him the right to declare martial law any time he wants. This is a significant sign that he thinks there might be a good reason for him to need that authority. Say what you want, Obama is at least able to realize the signs of the times. He sees that the Republicans are very likely to capture the Senate, which would give them full control over both houses of Congress. This would put Obama in a very dangerous situation.

Now we already know that Obama has signed an executive order giving him the right to declare martial law any time he wants. This is a significant sign that he thinks there might be a good reason for him to need that authority. Say what you want, Obama is at least able to realize the signs of the times. He sees that the Republicans are very likely to capture the Senate, which would give them full control over both houses of Congress. This would put Obama in a very dangerous situation.

Once this happens, the question then becomes what do the Republicans do with that advantage? It is certainly possible that impeachment proceedings could be started. If this goes to its end, there is also the possibility that Obama could even be tried as a traitor to the USA. It is certainly obvious that he has no love lost for America and its traditional values and principles.

There are a number of people that have talked about this, even some within the government. Obama, being the prideful man and committed liberal that his, could simply not afford to let such a thing stop his extreme agenda. Personally, I think he feels as if no one else can accomplish or be trusted to push his agenda through and it doesn’t matter how many people oppose him…



So what does the government stand to gain by declaring Marshal Law on its own citizens? After the coming economic financial collapse, a state of world-wide martial law will be declared. Considering the current events which are in direct alignment with documented plans for totalitarian one-world government, (white paper plans published by the Tri-Lateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and Club of Rome), martial law will be imposed without official dissent upon the various countries of the world. Martial law is military rule imposed upon civilian populations in a time of war or during a (sic) “State of Emergency”. The following elements can be expected to occur once the t.v. news anchors tell people not to panic, but that a State of Emergency has been declared due to the crash, and a (sic) temporary state of martial law has been declared, which will be rescinded once the State of Emergency has passed.
What the news people won’t tell you is that given the history of martial law, the suspension of such a draconian state is far more difficult to achieve than its original imposition…

1. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE ENDED-Under martial law, the U.S. Constitution is suspended and the citizens immediately lose all the protections, safeguards, and human rights guaranteed by that document. The citizens also lose every rights and privileges granted under The Bill of Rights. The constitutions of other countries will likewise be suspended with similar conditions imposed upon the citizens of those other countries.

2. CURFEW ENFORCEMENT-Anyone caught outside after curfew can be shot dead. There are no exceptions for personal emergencies unless of course, these people have some sort of official written permission or are in possession of other material which gives them a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card.

3. WRIT OF HABEUS CORPUS SUSPENDED-This means that soldiers can bust into your house, or arrest you on the street without warrants, and can throw you into prison without explanation or access to legal counsel. They can hold you there for months, even years, since there are no time limits imposed on how long you can be imprisoned.

4. PERSONAL FIREARMS WILL BE SEIZED-Armed forces can invade your home and force you to surrender any weapons you have, regardless of your constitutional right or need to bear arms for your self-defense. If you refuse, you could be shot dead in your living room, and all your possessions seized. If you’re lucky, you might just get Tasered, or butt-ended with an AK-47, to eventually wake up in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) Detention Center with a Prison Identification Number which you will go by as a “name” instead of your old name, the one on your birth certificate.

5. PERSONAL PROPERTY CAN BE SEIZED-This means that under the excuse of “requisitioning”, soldiers can kick you out of your home, and seize both your home, all the contents inside that home, as well as any vehicles, or other items you have on your grounds. They also can claim the actual real estate of the acreage as well. If you refuse or resist in some way well….I guess you can fill in the blanks or use your imagination.

Deputy Attorney General James Cole announced that the department would broaden the criteria for clemency, a move that is expected to lead to thousands of prisoners — most serving drug sentences — filing applications to President Barack Obama seeking to commute their sentences.

The changes are part of a broader effort by the Obama administration to modify sentencing laws, allowing for use of rehabilitation and other alternatives to deal with non-violent drug offenders and those who previously faced tough mandatory minimum sentences.

Attorney General Eric Holder previewed some of the changes Monday by announcing plans to assign more lawyers to handle an anticipated flood of clemency requests.

imagesClemency changes to free drug offenders

images (1)Obama commutes 8 crack cocaine cases

images (2)Obama commutes 8 crack sentences

Crack cocaine at heart of once-common sentencing disparity

“We are launching this clemency initiative in order to quickly and effectively identify appropriate candidates, candidates who have a clean prison record, do not present a threat to public safety, and were sentenced under out-of-date laws that have since been changed, and are no longer seen as appropriate,” Cole said at a news conference.

The clemency changes would be open to prisoners who have met a set of specific conditions: they must be low-level, non-violent offenders without a significant criminal history and must be serving a federal sentence that would likely be shorter if they were convicted today. They must have served at least 10 years of their sentence and have demonstrated good conduct in prison, with no history of violence before or during their prison term.

The pending changes are the latest step in an ongoing effort Holder calls “Smart on Crime,” which also seeks to remedy the once-common wide disparity in sentences handed down over powder versus crack cocaine, based on guidelines first enacted by Congress more than 25 years ago.

Earlier: Eric Holder seeks to cut mandatory minimum drug sentences

Of the more than 200,000 inmates in the federal prison system, some estimates show the new clemency criteria could apply to about 2,000 prisoners. But the number is likely to fall to perhaps hundreds after government lawyers review the applications.

The Justice Department says it doesn’t know how many people will end up qualifying because it depends on the applications and how they fit the new criteria. The President has final authority to decide who gets clemency.

Obama has been criticized by some civil rights groups for being stingy with his pardons and commutations. But many praised the Justice Department’s decision as a good initial step, including a coalition of groups working on sentencing guidelines.

The announcement “marks the beginning of the end of the age of mass incarceration,” said Jerry Cox, president of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. “We must seize this historic opportunity to start the process of remedying decades of cruel and unnecessarily harsh sentencing policies.”

Cole also announced the appointment of Deborah Leff to lead the department’s Office of the Pardon Attorney, which has come under fire for being slow to review a backlog of applications.

Cole said the department was setting up an online application system and working with pro-bono attorneys who will assist prisoners in their applications.

Mary Price, general counsel for the group Families Against Mandatory Minimums, which advocates for changes to drug sentencing laws, welcomed Cole’s announcement. “The doors of the Office of the Pardon Attorney have been closed to petitioners for too long. This announcement signals a truly welcome change; the culture of ‘no’ that has dominated that office is being transformed,” she said.

The push to relax sentencing laws has the support of some conservative Republican lawmakers, who believe it is a way to reduce spending on federal prisons and to use alternatives to incarceration to deal with drug problems. However, lawmakers want the changes to be made through Congress rather than through the president’s executive power.

“I hope President Obama is not seeking to change sentencing policy unilaterally. Congress, not the President, has authority to make sentencing policy. He should continue to work with Congress rather than once again going it alone, and I’m willing to work with the President on these issues.” Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said this week.

Cole, in his remarks Wednesday, said the issue is one of fairness. “Older, stringent punishments that are out of line with sentences imposed under today’s laws erode people’s confidence in our criminal justice system, and I am confident that this initiative will go far to promote the most fundamental of American ideals — equal justice under law,” Cole said.

Three years ago, Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act to address the larger issue of drug sentencing disparities. Sentencing guidelines provided for a 100-to-1 ratio between the penalties for crack cocaine offenses versus those for powdered cocaine, but the fair sentencing law reduced the disparity to 18-to-1.


The U.S. Sentencing Commission recently voted to apply reduced drug penalties retroactively to over 46,000 people serving excessive sentences for federal drug offenses — potentially reducing average prison terms by two years.

The vote reflects a historic shift in the nation’s approach to substance abuse. There’s an emerging consensus among both Republicans and Democrats that using the criminal justice system to address substance abuse is both too expensive and doesn’t work in terms of promoting public safety.  Policymakers of both parties are increasingly recognizing that the war on drugs has come at a ruinous cost for all Americans, but particularly for communities of color.

This bullet represents something more than change. It can take life, tempered by persuasion  or it can primages (4)otect us IF given the right circumstances. It is fashioned by steel to sit in the palm of your hand and in the blink of an eye, it can take the life of a man. A bullets edges are smooth and cold to the touch  but it’s core is soft, wrapped in a sheet of steel to keep it warm. It has single handily claimed more lives than HATE but rather than awarding the bullet for it’s accomplishments, lobbyist do every thing they can to down play the bullets involvement. So then if we taxed it and placed price tags on them like a Lamborghini then fewer people will be able to afford them. RIGHT?

Now who is up for the challenge, to stand down on fate? Years of repetition on call and I still can’t wait. Poverty is nothing more than a bi-product of greed instituted by a system to amass wealth. Pious men have gone to great lengths  to expose the charade. But Despite our efforts to get involved we’re often labelled socialist and placed on watch list. Don’t you find it ironic that the men who founded this country rebelled against a system which made them obsolete. Thus, the UNITED STATES was formed.

I am getting a little tired of the long drawn out interviews, coffee spills in the morning and having to say grace, dropped calls, crowded malls and walking up a never ending staircase. By chance we met under the guise of fate and by choice I dedicate my efforts to redefine my calling of late. Mass appeal can sometime distract us from our purpose,  with its motives and water down excuses about life and as long as I have the courage I can handle the fight. Illuminati, Masonry, are but a few pawns used in the larger scheme of things to control the center of the board. The more OBJECTS we acquire, leaves our castle vulnerable and we never stop long enough to take into account the material imbalance it causes in our lives. And before we realize it, we find ourselves in an endgame without the support of our most valuable piece.  THE QUEEN. Then like common thieves we find ourselves in a foot race to regain what we so carelessly gave away.

So what’s new?  Mass shootings, Reality Shows, a grid locked administration and an increasing unemployment rate. To make matters worst the government is all up in my business trying to tell me what healthcare provider is best for me. I don’t profess to be a politician, although I do admire a good debate. All this talk about global warming and building a wait station out in space has got me perplexed and the CDC is hellbent on trying to convince me that I’m next.

Democracy has a tendency of committing suicide. My question is if we are a Republic, then why on gods green earth are we spreading Democracy around the globe? It’s something about mob rule that just doesn’t sit right with me. So how do we place the power back into the hands of “The People?” This may be accomplished by resolved through putting an end to the alienation between people created by the institution of private property.

The overly abstract and ideal conception of the world represented by philosophy. Each word nothing more than an abstract mystification of the actual force. It can be found where ideas and institutions are balanced “a concept interwoven with outdated activity and material intercourse of men and appear to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This falls somewhere between a deliberate act of Genocide and an Inferiority Complex this country inherited. Now here we are celebrating your independence when we’re all depended on pot. Forget about the 40 acres or the window from which I use to gaze upon a lot. I hate to be the one to put the crème in your red white and blue. So if it was my choice to choose who bites this bullet between us, It would have to be you.

Maestro Speaks

Maestro Speaks


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Blacks and Whites have shared a love/hate relationship here in America. A lot and can be said about the dynamics and complexity of the history leading back to the shores of the Ivory Coast in West Africa. The subject has worn on my physic for longer than most of you can possibly imagine. Nevertheless, like a ketchup stain splattered on the kitchen wall becomes part of the wallpaper, we have become desensitized to the suffering experienced by the Black man here in America. I for one, do not have all the intellect to answer to this aged old dilemma plaguing our community. Therefore, I felt the need to evaluate, “The Shade of Black and White in America” in an attempt to better understand the challenges our country faces in the coming years.

Let’s lapse back in time for a moment when Rodney King was the focus of media attention. It is safe to say that the events leading up to the 1992 Los Angeles riots, were by and large contributed to the verdict handed down by a jury for the police involving the excessive use of force after detaining  Rodney King during a traffic stop. February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was gunned down by George Zimmerman; a wantna be police officer, in Sanford, Florida. The fatal shooting of the 17-year old African America by then 28 year old “neighborhood watch security guard caused pandemonium and unrest throughout the United states and abroad in the international community.

Now let’s flip the coin on the other side for a moment and evaluate the same set of circumstances but in this example the individual firing the weapon is a BLACK Woman, her name is Marissa Alexander.

She was convicted in 2012 under Florida’s 10-20-life law, which requires a mandatory minimum sentencing in certain crimes involving a firearm. Alexander was previously denied immunity under the state’s Stand Your Ground law. KEEP IN MIND” NO ONE” WAS INJURED. By the way George Zimmerman used the same defense, HE DIDN’T FIRE A WARNING SHOT AND KILLED A YOUNG BLACK MALE AND WAS FOUND INNOCENT.

Most recently a jury has found Michael Dunn, the Florida man accused of shooting an unarmed teenager to death during a dispute over loud music, guilty of four charges, but the jury was unable to reach a decision on the top count, first-degree murder. Dunn, who is white, fired 10 shots into an SUV, killing Jordan Davis, 17, who was black. The shooting in a convenience store parking lot in Jacksonville erupted after Dunn asked the teenagers in the vehicle to turn down their music.

Dunn was charged with first-degree murder, three counts of attempted second-degree murder and one count of firing into a vehicle in the Nov. 23, 2012, shooting. The jury couldn’t reach a decision on the first-degree murder charge, but convicted on the other four.

Dunn contended he acted in self-defense. Prosecutors suggested that Dunn, 47, was angry because he was being disrespected by a young black man.

Dunn was remanded to the custody of authorities. Sentencing, which could total as much as 75 years in prison, was set for around March 24.

The sequestered jury began its deliberations Wednesday, a week after opening statements began. That Dunn had fired into the SUV and killed Davis was never in question. What the jury had to determine was whether Dunn had acted in self-defense.

The proceedings are the latest in a series of murder cases with claims of self-defense that have roiled Florida and garnered national attention. George Zimmerman, who identifies as Latino, was acquitted of murdering an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, during a confrontation on Feb. 26, 2012. Another case, involving a former police captain accused of killing a man in a movie theater after a dispute over texting, is working its way through the courts.

As in the Zimmerman case, race has been a subtext in the Dunn trial. Prosecutors maintained that Dunn repeatedly shot at the black teenagers because they were playing their hip-hop music too loudly.

“This defendant was disrespected by a 17-year-old teenager, and he lost it. He wasn’t happy with Jordan Davis’ attitude. What was his response? ‘You’re not going to talk to me like that,’ ” Assistant State Atty. Erin Wolfson said. “He took these actions because it was premeditated. It was not self-defense.”

But Dunn’s attorney, Cory Strolla, pressed the self-defense claim and argued that Dunn had a right to shoot if he reasonably thought he was in danger.

“We understand Jordan Davis was human and this was a tragedy,” Strolla said. The attorney added later, “Deadly force is justifiable if Dunn reasonably believed he faced an attempted murder of himself or another.”

Florida’s “stand your ground” law allows the defense to seek a special hearing to receive immunity from prosecution before a trial. Dunn did not choose to go that route, but argued that he had acted in self-defense because he thought there was a weapon in the car and he feared for his life.,0,5446202.story#ixzz2uw7uPT57

This is no attempt to open up any old wounds, too many people have already had to deal with the pain of having to lay to rest one of our children for a senseless act. And being the father of two young black males I know what Travyon Martin’s parents must have felt when they were told their son’s life had been senselessly taken.

So at what point is there value placed on the life of an African American? Well, putting it bluntly as history has shown us, “The only time a black man’s life has value is when a white man takes it.” Now, I know that is a hell of a position to take but at some point we have to own up to this crisis in order for there to be any change. As far as I’m concerned, anytime there is an act of violence or heinous crime perpetrated against a man of color by any person, then that person should full the weight of the law on his shoulders. Regardless of his race. Our black leaders should be marching in the black communities right now in protest of the black on black crime being committed at an alarming rate. Our so-called leaders remind me of the ambulance chasers looking for a settlement playing the race card.

I think it’s Ludicrous that we as a race of people have embraced the word,” Nigga”, which was created by the white man at a time when the black man was treated in-humanly. I find it ironic that WE as a race of people embrace such a derogatory word and psychologically use it and feel somehow empowered by using it against ourselves. A very large percent of African Americans will be offended if they heard a Caucasian using the term nigga or nigger. In a study I recently conducted in Los Angeles, CA a black man said in no uncertain terms, “Only a black can call another black a nigga.” What sense does that make? It’s that same warped mentality used to justify the out of control crime rate prevalent in the African American community today.

So apparently, everything is copacetic with the high crime rate and black on black violence as long as we are causing havoc in our own communities and we are responsible for taking the life of another black man.  Now, when an individual of another ethnic persuasion, ie., (Caucasian) takes the life of a brother it’s revered as an outrage.  This type of behavior has plagued our community long enough.

First of all, it has to be established anytime violence rears its ugly head in our community, we as a people will do everything within our power to eradicate the cause, at all cost. Which means championing a cause to speak out against violence in our community. I’m not talking about the gated communities or the subdivisions with expensive HOA fees. I am talking about good common-sense resolve for a condition rapidly spiraling out of control.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) notes that most crime is intra-racial. Which means there is something called, (“WHITE ON WHITE”) crime, (“Korean on Korean”) crime, etc… According to the Justice Statistics the White on White crime rate is 84%. Simply put, all races kill within their own race, but this isn’t to make light of the staggering statistic related to Black on Black violence. Now just because White’s kill White’s and Hispanics kill Hispanics don’t make me sleep at night. I’m concern about the violence plaguing our city streets. We as a race of people have to reevaluate our current situation before we’re not left with anyone at the finish line.




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APRIL 4, 1928

MAY 28, 2014