Posts Tagged ‘Reality Show’



For more information about this new REALITY TV SHOW visit www.mediawomennetworkcom

Apparently, rap star Clifford “TI” Harris didn’t take to kindly to the comments made by Reality Show star Apollo Nida from The Atlanta House Wives recently according to the TMZ footage shown above.  First and foremost, let me start out by saying that anytime you bring those type of charges (or shall I say…accusations) against a person you had better have sufficient evidence to support your claim. The rules regarding these matters a clear and concise across the board on every yard in the Federal Bureau of Prison. “If you accuse someone of cooperating with the government, you had better have some type of paperwork, i.eindex., (court transcripts, plea agreement or a docket sheet) to back up your claim.” A lot of people in the joint have lost their lives over this controversial topic and I’m sure there will be plenty more incidents that will occur before it’s said and done. If you think the government is hard on defendants in the court room, just imagine what goes down behind the walls of the Penitentiary across America. (And I’m not just talking about the brothers!) No one; regardless of their race, religion or neck of the woods, wants to be labelled a “SNITCH”. What you are witnessing first hand is my homeboy “TI” checking Apollo. On the yard this type of scenario would have played out differently, due to the fact there are no multi-media devices at their disposal. So the message would have more than likely been sent out in blood. Clearly, “TI” took the high road and made his point without having to resort to violence, but by the looks of things Apollo didn’t want no trouble. So being politically correct worked out in “TI’s” camp and no one had to be arrested. I guess with all the reality show hoopla wallpapering our television sets,  accompanied by the weight of the government pressure on his shoulder’s, Apollo didn’t stop and think about what he said until it came back and bit him in the ass.

indexmeechThis news traveled the airwaves like wildfire and it reached the company of non other than “BIG MEECH”, who is currently serving time in the Federal Bureau of Prisons on Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering, and Murder charges. In 2005, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) indicted members of the Black Mafia Family, ultimately securing convictions by targeting the Flenory brothers under the Continuing Criminal Enterprise Statute. Both were sentenced 30 years to life. Subsequent indictments eventually targeted over 150 members of the organization. Prosecutors alleged the organization made over $270 million over the course of the conspiracy. Meech took out time (no pun intended) to weigh in on the subject and quoted in his letter, “LOYALTY IS NOT JUST A WORD IT’S A LIFESTYLE”.  There are several ways to see if a person has cooperated with the government and MEECH explained how to go about checking someone’s credentials. (See blog STRAIGHT FROM THE A”).  “BIG MEECH”, made it clear in his letter to his followers in no uncertain terms,  Clifford “TI” Harris DID NOT cooperate with the feds. He said that “TI”, is thorough and stood up in the paint when it counted the most.

Well, that’s how we do it here on StreetJustice. We keep it one hundred!


Maestro Speaks

Maestro Speaks