Posts Tagged ‘Rapper’

G.E.M. “The Artist” (Female In The Rap Game)

Hip-hop is a tough game in which only the best survive. From the early days of the male-dominated genre, female rappers have proved that women, though few in numbers, are fearless, strong especially when unified and are not only capable of standing as tall as the next man but also of outshining them.

    G.E.M. “The Artist”

Many female rhymers, from Queen Latifah to Nicki Minaj, have destroyed the proverbial glass ceiling to become legends in their own right. From MC Lyte to Carde B, woman have proven their ability to thrive in an industry where they have been second class artist and exploited. Which is why G.E.M. “The Artist”, decided to pick up a microphone and put to test her lyrical prowess. As form of art and cultural activity, music is a major part of the daily life of many people. The demand for music consumption has created a billion-dollar global music industry, which encompasses music production and distribution, major record companies – Warner Chappell, Universal, and Sony/ATV being the largest music publishers in the world – live concerts, along with other music-related activities. In the U.S., the music industry was estimated to generate about 17.2 billion U.S. dollars in 2016.

G.E.M. “The Artist” (Female In The Rap Game) is the title of her book due to be released in the fall of 2018. G.E.M. “The Artist” will be disclosing the industries dark secrets and how hard it is to make it in a male saturated field. But (“G.E.M. “The Artist” refused to sell out and get into the industry the easy way. She is driven to make her own way and create her own destiny. Staying positive and maintaining her beliefs has been the cornerstone to her success.

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Being shot for wearing a hoddie just doesn’t make any sense but I guess it might when the shooter uses the “Stand Your Ground Defense”. The untimely death of a minor should never be based on a wantta be’s resolve or when the actions of a racist is hinged on a judgment call. Riots are the offspring of injustice administered by the law and no matter what someone captures on tape, a jury’s perception can be flawed. images (27)

          There is a pain in my heart as a result of the lies we invent. So I’ll attempt to put this into perspective in light of how the verdict went. What value can be placed on a young man’s life? Now I’m not talking about the case a few years ago involving the pit bull fight. Michael Vick did time on the strength of what his cousin said, now Zimmerman  is promoting a fight. I wonder what’s going through Trayvon’s father head? I think its time for us to re-evaluate some of the laws in place before one of our son’s end up on their back–with a gun in their face.

download (1)Written by Maestro February 20, 2014