Posts Tagged ‘racism’

Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws.  But the question is: WHEN DOES FREEDOM OF SPEECH TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM? Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one’s opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

Recently a Georgia woman, Ebony Dickens, was arrested for posting rants stating in part, “all blacks should rise up and shot every white cop.” Protecting free speech means protecting a free press, the democratic process, diversity of thought, and so much more. Now how is that this woman’s Facebook page be sent to the news media for ranting and the individuals who keep carrying out mass shooting all over America continue to execute innocent people in the street.

The First Amendment of the Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. See United States Amendment I. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights. The First Amendment has been interpreted by the Court as applying to the entire federal government even though it is only expressly applicable to Congress. Furthermore, the Court has interpreted, the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as protecting the rights in the First Amendment from interference by state governments. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV.

Here we have a police officer telling you actually the way he feels. But he’s not just speaking for himself. He is a pawn speaking for an organization with ominous political agendas. Plain and simple the United States is a racist country, there is absolutely no way of dancing around the subject. Blacks and minorities are being killed in record numbers by white police officers all around the U.S., this is a fact which cannot be disputed.

If the government is going to arrest people, ie., BLACK PEOPLE, for speaking out… Then surely people; ie., WHITE PEOPLE, who rant and make manifestos publicly on social media should be arrested too before we find them in headlines reading, “ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING” took place somewhere in America.

I’m all about justice! I call a spade a spade and based on the way laws are executed in this country it’s safe to say the United States is in fact a racist country. Despite the fact we have an African American president and BET,  (BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION) which isn’t black owned.

According to FBI statistics, 27 police officers were feloniously killed in 2013, the lowest raw number in more than 50 years. (The previous low was 41 in 2008.) If we go by officer homicides as a percentage of active-duty police, it was probably the safest year in a century. The number of cops killed on duty has been falling since the mid-1990s, consistent with the overall drop in violent crime in America. Assaults against police officers have been in decline as well.

I don’t care what school of thought you ascribe to. It’s clear to see how the powers that be are responsible for how our perceptions are shaped. When one group is discriminated against by the laws which govern the land, it sends out a serious message. I am not advocating violence, I’m just speaking out against it.

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This is Maestro and I’m out!


    It’s easy for me to sit here in the comfort of my home and weigh in on the situation unfolding in Ferguson. First and foremost we want to take this moment to send a shot out to the parents of Reginald Brown. It is a tragedy when we are still plagued with ignorance and racism at this day and age. What we plan to do is touch on a few topics which are in dire need of explanations. Lets look closely at what goes into a GRAND JURY and what its function is. We also are going to define what “DEADLY FORCE” AND WHY WE SHOULD BE CONCERNED ABOUT THE TRACKING LANGUAGE OF IT’S MEANING RATHER THAN THE ACTIONS TAKEN BY BIAS POLICE OFFICERS.

    Justice or Just Us?

    Justice or Just Us?

    The purpose of the grand jury is not to determine guilt or innocence, but to decide whether there is probable cause to prosecute someone for a felony crime. The grand jury operates in secrecy and the normal rules of evidence do not apply. The prosecutor runs the proceedings and no judge is present.
    The grand jury has a long and honorable tradition. It was recognized in the Magna Carta, the first English constitutional document, which King John granted in 1215 at the demand of his subjects. The first English grand jury consisted of twelve men selected from the knights or other freemen, who were summoned to inquire into crimes alleged to have been committed in their local community. Thus, grand jurors originally functioned as accusers or witnesses, rather than as judges.
    Over the years, the hallmarks of our modern grand jury developed in England. For example, grand jury proceedings became secret, and the grand jury became independent of the Crown. As a result, a grand jury is able to vote an indictment or refuse to do so, as it deems proper, without regard to the recommendations of judge, prosecutor, or any other person. This independence from the will of the government was achieved only after a long hard fight. It can best be illustrated by the celebrated English case involving the Earl of  Shaftasbury, who, in 1681, fell under the suspicion of the Crown. Displeased with him, the Crown presented to the grand jury a proposed bill of indictment for high treason and recommended that it be voted and returned. After hearing the witnesses, the grand jury voted against the bill of indictment and returned it to the King,
    holding that it was not true.
                –  A GRAND JURY’S TASK
    The Grand Jury’s Tasks As stated above, the federal grand jury’s function is to determine whether a person shall be tried for a serious federal crime alleged to have been committed within the district where it sits. Matters may be brought to its attention in three ways:
              (1) by the United States Attorney or an Assistant United States Attorney;
    (2) by the court that impaneled it; and
    (3) from the personal knowledge of a member of the grand jury or from matters properly brought to a          member’s personal attention. In all these cases, the grand jury must hear evidence before taking action.
    What Is The Function Of A Grand Jury?

    What Is The Function Of A Grand Jury?

    After it has received evidence against a person, the grand jury must decide whether the evidence presented justifies an indictment, or “true bill,” which is the formal criminal charge returned by the grand jury. Upon the indictment’s being filed in court, the person accused must either plead guilty or nolo contendere or stand trial.
    If the evidence does not persuade the grand jury that there is probable cause to believe the person committed a
    crime, the grand jury will vote a “no bill,” or “not a true bill.” When this occurs, the person is not required to
    plead to a criminal charge, and no trial is required.


    An amount of force that is likely to cause either serious bodily injury or death to another person.

    Police officers may use deadly force in specific circumstances when they are trying to enforce the law. Private citizens may use deadly force in certain circumstances in SELF DEFENSE. The rules governing the use of deadly force for police officers are different from those for citizens.

    During the twelfth century, the COMMON LAW allowed the police to use deadly force if they needed it to capture a felony suspect, regardless of the circumstances. At that time, felonies were not as common as they are now and were usually punishable by death. Also, law officers had a more difficult time capturing suspects because they did not have the technology and weaponry that are present in today’s world. In modern times, the courts have restricted the use of deadly force to certain, dangerous situations.

    In police jargon, deadly force is also referred to as shoot to kill. The Supreme Court has ruled that, depending on the circumstances, if an offender resists arrest, police officers may use as much force as is reasonably required to overcome the resistance. Whether the force is reasonable is determined by the judgment of a reasonable officer at the scene, rather than by hindsight. Because police officers can find themselves in dangerous or rapidly changing situations where split second decisions are necessary, the judgment of someone at the scene is vital when looking back at the actions of a police officer.

    The Supreme Court has defined the “objective reasonableness” standard as a balance between the rights of the person being arrested and the government interests that allow the use of force. The FOURTH AMENDMENT protects U.S. citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures, the category into which an arrest falls. The Supreme Court has said that a SEARCH AND SEIZURE is reasonable if it is based on PROBABLE CAUSE and if it does not unreasonably intrude on the rights and privacy of the individual. This standard does not question a police officer’s intent or motivation for using deadly force during an arrest; it only looks at the situation as it has happened.

    For deadly force to be constitutional when an arrest is taking place, it must be the reasonable choice under all the circumstances at the time.Therefore, deadly force should be looked at as an option that is used when it is believed that no other action will succeed. The MODEL PENAL CODE, although not adopted in all states, restricts police action regarding deadly force. According to the code, officers should not use deadly force unless the action will not endanger innocent bystanders, the suspect used deadly force in committing the crime, or the officers believe delay in arrest may result in injury or death to other people.

    Circumstances that are taken into consideration are the severity of the offense, how much of a threat the suspect poses, and the  to resist or flee the police officer. When arresting someone for a misdemeanor, the police have the right to shoot the alleged offender only in self-defense. If an officer shoots a suspect accused of a misdemeanor for a reason other than self-defense, the officer can be held liable for criminal charges and damages for injuries to the suspect. This standard was demonstrated in the Iowa case of Klinkel v. Saddler,211 Iowa 368, 233 N.W. 538 (1930), where a sheriff faced a WRONGFUL DEATH lawsuit because he had killed a misdemeanor suspect during an arrest. The sheriff said he had used deadly force to defend himself, and the court ruled in his favor.

    I don’t know how many times we have to revisit this situation and think for one moment it’s going to change itself. The laws in this country are written in a way that it always protects the hierarchy. It’s difficult to bring a civil action against individual operating behind the corporate veil, let alone mount a defense against an over zealous cop once he has set his mind a subject is a “threat”.  The laws in this country are too ambiguous and typically affect the poorest in society. It’s a damn shame a persons liberty rest in his or her ability to afford an attorney to represent them once the government has brought up charges against them. I realize the constitution of the United States guarantees each citizens an attorney in criminal cases. But when has it been customary for an employee to fight against the hand that feeds them? This is Maestro man…Amplify the Mumble!

ASHANTI PUBLISHING GROUP is publishing the true life events of Muhammad Jalal Deen Akbar in “The Making of an Airplane Hijacker”. The article below was written by the Miami Herald. The Making of an Airplane Hijacker will be in bookstores in December. Reserve a copy at

The Miami Herald

April 11, 1980.  p. 16.


Cuba May Let U.S. Hijacker Go to a Moslem Country


From Herald Staff and Wire Reports

HAVANA – The man who hijacked an American Airlines jet to Cuba said Thursday he acted to escape racial and religious persecution in the United States, the official Cuban news agency reported.

A Cuban government broadcast said the hijacker expressed a desire to leave Cuba for a Moslem country, and that he would be allowed to do so.

The news agency, Prensa Latina identified the gunman as Gerald Leland Merity, 35, originally of Minneapolis, and said he dropped out of dental school at the University of San Francisco last year.

The University of San Francisco has no dental school, but the University of California-San Francisco confirmed that a man by that name attended the university from the fall of 1997 until January 1980, when he dropped out.

Prensa Latina said Merity was a converted Moslem who uses the name Muhammad Jalal Deen Akbar.


IF HE is permitted to leave the island and go wherever he wants, it would mark the first time since hijackings to Cuba began more than a decade ago that Cuba hasn’t prosecuted the hijacker, the State Department said in Washington.

However, State Department officials said late Thursday that had received assurances from Havana that the hijacker would be prosecuted.

Michael Kozak, a legal affairs specialist for the State Department, noted that an executive agreement between the United States and Cuba requiring each country to prosecute hijackers lapsed in April 1977 at the Cuban government’s request.

Nevertheless, the Cubans have continued to abide by its terms, Kozak said, although their motive in doing so may be less to cooperate with the United States than to discourage air piracy.

“Cuba didn’t want to become a haven for crazies,” Kozak said.


STATE DEPARTMENT sources said that if this latest hijacker is released, it could be seen as an attempt by Cuba to “tweak us.”

Cuban President Fidel Castro has been complaining for years that it appears unfair that he prosecutes hijackers while the United States has never been able to successfully prosecute a Cuban boat hijacker.

“But in this case,” one State Department official said, “it could just be his way of showing to the world that there are people who want to come into Cuba just as much as there are people who want to get out.”

Prensa Latina quoted Merity as saying “In the United States, slavery formally ended a little more than 100 years ago, but it continues informally. Until a short time ago, we blacks had to struggle against the Ku Klux Klan, but now we have to do it against the police that accost us, and against the Nazi Party.”

An FBI source in Miami said that aboard the Boeing 727 during the 10-hour hijacking from Ontario, Calif., to Havana on Wednesday, the grimy-clad gunman “behaved more like a criminal fugitive than a political fugitive.”

“Political terrorists generally are verbose and spend the time telling their hostages of their resentment and their reason for their action,” the source said. “This man said nothing at all.”

The FBI prepared composite sketches of the hijacker in an effort to identify him.


THE GUNMAN leaped a fence at Ontario International Airport near Los Angeles on Wednesday morning. He entered the door of the plane being readied for a flight to Chicago, held a .45-caliber pistol to the head of a flight attendant and demanded to be taken to Havana.

The plane and its crew of seven made a refueling stop at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and then flew directly to Havana’s Jose Marti Airport. The plane was allowed to return to Miami Wednesday night.

It was the second hijacking to Cuba this year. On Jan. 25, a Delta Airlines plane from Atlanta was forced to fly to Havana by a man later identified as Samuel Alden Ingram. Ingram remains in Cuba.


This article was compiled from reports by Tom Fiedler of The Herald’s Washington bureau and by United Press International.


The disservice of prima facie racism

has taken this country by a storm!

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The disservice of prima facie racism must end.

Just as the (regressive) burning of gunpowder grains started to wither from the pallets our taste buds, another young African American falls victim at the hands of a law enforcement officer.  This can’t be happening in the land of the free…oh but it is the home of the slaves! This is the military that helped overthrow Saddam Hussein for God sake. A country that prides itself on being the beacon of justice for the free world.  For the life of me, I can’t bring myself to understand why, the United States of America invades other countries to protect it’s citizens and are not willing to do anything to ensure justice is served within the boarders of it’s own jurisdiction. So why in the hell is there a headline that reads, “OFF DUTY ST. LOUIS OFFICER KILLS ANOTHER AFRICAN AMERICAN TEENAGER”. It almost sounds like the synopsis for some crazy movie expected to be out in theaters this summer. But unfortunately for many of us living in these torn communities, this is all too real. In fact, we predicted that this type of police brutality would continue to escalate. It appears all of the recent killings can be contributed to the simple fact, there are no current deterrent protocols in place to punish over-zealous officers who take it upon themselves to act as Judge, Jury & Executioner.

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Stop police brutality

First and foremost, there needs to be a boycott organized by the community leaders for the citizens of MISSOURI to demonstrate their protest for the recent murders of two African American teenagers. The taking of innocent lives cannot be tolerated, regardless if the perpetrators in question are law enforcement officers. In a civil society parents are expected to teach their children to obey law enforcement officers, not advise them of being fearful of radical cops. It’s enough having to deal with the chore of raising children in a society where prejudice and racism interact with one another on a daily basis – from the overt to the sublime. The disservice of prima facie racism is more than a race of people trapped in a paradigm of foolish pride and regret. This disease cuts down deep into the core of our nation and often finds itself in the hearts of men with shallow dreams and contagious ideologies.

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50 grams of crack was a mandatory minimum of 10 years.

We as parents and BLACK people have to ensure this type of aggression isn’t tolerated and the only thing that will make the government and corporate America take heed to our plea,  is to hit them where it hurts. Take your dollars and place them in places where they are better served.  If individuals could sacrifice for a month or until change is implemented; and I’m not talking about slapping someone on the wrist or suspending an officer with pay, I’m talking about long-term prison sentences or even the death penalty. A strong message needs to be sent to law enforcement officers to make them realize the days of killing slaves died under the heels of civilization and for those men unwilling to adapt to the changes will be better off buried beneath the ignorance which fester within them.

Hell, the Sentencing Commission feels that handing out longer prison sentences is a deterrent to criminal activity and surely a mandatory minimum is in order for those who take the lives of the citizen who they; so patriotically, take oaths to protect and serve. Back in the day, 50 grams of Crack Cocaine would get you a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years. Let me be very clear for those of you who maintain “the ends justifies the means”. As you can see in the image to the left, 50 grams of crack cocaine is the size of a quarter and for more than 20 years the federal government locked away first-time non violent offenders for most of their productive years. And generally all it takes is another person to point their finger to gain a conviction. Now we have hundreds of videos showing law enforcement officers brutally beating and in most instances killing young black men all over this nations soil. All under the guise of JUSTICE!



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Blacks and Whites have shared a love/hate relationship here in America. A lot and can be said about the dynamics and complexity of the history leading back to the shores of the Ivory Coast in West Africa. The subject has worn on my physic for longer than most of you can possibly imagine. Nevertheless, like a ketchup stain splattered on the kitchen wall becomes part of the wallpaper, we have become desensitized to the suffering experienced by the Black man here in America. I for one, do not have all the intellect to answer to this aged old dilemma plaguing our community. Therefore, I felt the need to evaluate, “The Shade of Black and White in America” in an attempt to better understand the challenges our country faces in the coming years.

Let’s lapse back in time for a moment when Rodney King was the focus of media attention. It is safe to say that the events leading up to the 1992 Los Angeles riots, were by and large contributed to the verdict handed down by a jury for the police involving the excessive use of force after detaining  Rodney King during a traffic stop. February 26, 2012 Trayvon Martin was gunned down by George Zimmerman; a wantna be police officer, in Sanford, Florida. The fatal shooting of the 17-year old African America by then 28 year old “neighborhood watch security guard caused pandemonium and unrest throughout the United states and abroad in the international community.

Now let’s flip the coin on the other side for a moment and evaluate the same set of circumstances but in this example the individual firing the weapon is a BLACK Woman, her name is Marissa Alexander.

She was convicted in 2012 under Florida’s 10-20-life law, which requires a mandatory minimum sentencing in certain crimes involving a firearm. Alexander was previously denied immunity under the state’s Stand Your Ground law. KEEP IN MIND” NO ONE” WAS INJURED. By the way George Zimmerman used the same defense, HE DIDN’T FIRE A WARNING SHOT AND KILLED A YOUNG BLACK MALE AND WAS FOUND INNOCENT.

Most recently a jury has found Michael Dunn, the Florida man accused of shooting an unarmed teenager to death during a dispute over loud music, guilty of four charges, but the jury was unable to reach a decision on the top count, first-degree murder. Dunn, who is white, fired 10 shots into an SUV, killing Jordan Davis, 17, who was black. The shooting in a convenience store parking lot in Jacksonville erupted after Dunn asked the teenagers in the vehicle to turn down their music.

Dunn was charged with first-degree murder, three counts of attempted second-degree murder and one count of firing into a vehicle in the Nov. 23, 2012, shooting. The jury couldn’t reach a decision on the first-degree murder charge, but convicted on the other four.

Dunn contended he acted in self-defense. Prosecutors suggested that Dunn, 47, was angry because he was being disrespected by a young black man.

Dunn was remanded to the custody of authorities. Sentencing, which could total as much as 75 years in prison, was set for around March 24.

The sequestered jury began its deliberations Wednesday, a week after opening statements began. That Dunn had fired into the SUV and killed Davis was never in question. What the jury had to determine was whether Dunn had acted in self-defense.

The proceedings are the latest in a series of murder cases with claims of self-defense that have roiled Florida and garnered national attention. George Zimmerman, who identifies as Latino, was acquitted of murdering an unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin, during a confrontation on Feb. 26, 2012. Another case, involving a former police captain accused of killing a man in a movie theater after a dispute over texting, is working its way through the courts.

As in the Zimmerman case, race has been a subtext in the Dunn trial. Prosecutors maintained that Dunn repeatedly shot at the black teenagers because they were playing their hip-hop music too loudly.

“This defendant was disrespected by a 17-year-old teenager, and he lost it. He wasn’t happy with Jordan Davis’ attitude. What was his response? ‘You’re not going to talk to me like that,’ ” Assistant State Atty. Erin Wolfson said. “He took these actions because it was premeditated. It was not self-defense.”

But Dunn’s attorney, Cory Strolla, pressed the self-defense claim and argued that Dunn had a right to shoot if he reasonably thought he was in danger.

“We understand Jordan Davis was human and this was a tragedy,” Strolla said. The attorney added later, “Deadly force is justifiable if Dunn reasonably believed he faced an attempted murder of himself or another.”

Florida’s “stand your ground” law allows the defense to seek a special hearing to receive immunity from prosecution before a trial. Dunn did not choose to go that route, but argued that he had acted in self-defense because he thought there was a weapon in the car and he feared for his life.,0,5446202.story#ixzz2uw7uPT57

This is no attempt to open up any old wounds, too many people have already had to deal with the pain of having to lay to rest one of our children for a senseless act. And being the father of two young black males I know what Travyon Martin’s parents must have felt when they were told their son’s life had been senselessly taken.

So at what point is there value placed on the life of an African American? Well, putting it bluntly as history has shown us, “The only time a black man’s life has value is when a white man takes it.” Now, I know that is a hell of a position to take but at some point we have to own up to this crisis in order for there to be any change. As far as I’m concerned, anytime there is an act of violence or heinous crime perpetrated against a man of color by any person, then that person should full the weight of the law on his shoulders. Regardless of his race. Our black leaders should be marching in the black communities right now in protest of the black on black crime being committed at an alarming rate. Our so-called leaders remind me of the ambulance chasers looking for a settlement playing the race card.

I think it’s Ludicrous that we as a race of people have embraced the word,” Nigga”, which was created by the white man at a time when the black man was treated in-humanly. I find it ironic that WE as a race of people embrace such a derogatory word and psychologically use it and feel somehow empowered by using it against ourselves. A very large percent of African Americans will be offended if they heard a Caucasian using the term nigga or nigger. In a study I recently conducted in Los Angeles, CA a black man said in no uncertain terms, “Only a black can call another black a nigga.” What sense does that make? It’s that same warped mentality used to justify the out of control crime rate prevalent in the African American community today.

So apparently, everything is copacetic with the high crime rate and black on black violence as long as we are causing havoc in our own communities and we are responsible for taking the life of another black man.  Now, when an individual of another ethnic persuasion, ie., (Caucasian) takes the life of a brother it’s revered as an outrage.  This type of behavior has plagued our community long enough.

First of all, it has to be established anytime violence rears its ugly head in our community, we as a people will do everything within our power to eradicate the cause, at all cost. Which means championing a cause to speak out against violence in our community. I’m not talking about the gated communities or the subdivisions with expensive HOA fees. I am talking about good common-sense resolve for a condition rapidly spiraling out of control.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) notes that most crime is intra-racial. Which means there is something called, (“WHITE ON WHITE”) crime, (“Korean on Korean”) crime, etc… According to the Justice Statistics the White on White crime rate is 84%. Simply put, all races kill within their own race, but this isn’t to make light of the staggering statistic related to Black on Black violence. Now just because White’s kill White’s and Hispanics kill Hispanics don’t make me sleep at night. I’m concern about the violence plaguing our city streets. We as a race of people have to reevaluate our current situation before we’re not left with anyone at the finish line.




images (57)What’s up? This is your man; the one and only, Maestro checking in.  A lot has been said since the taped recordings of Donald Sterling bigot rant invaded our airwaves. It’s not often I’m disturbed by people actions but the way Donald Sterling is acting is appalling and extremely offensive.  Now there may be those of you who ascribe to the notion that Donald Sterling’s comments are protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Let’s not forget what season this country was in when the Constitution was created. The First Amendment of the United States Constitution (“protects speech no matter how offensive its content”). But this article isn’t about the horrible failed policies of this government. That’s a topic for another time. This is about commerce…Plain and simple. So the question is, “Can The NBA Force Donald Sterling to sell the LA CLIPPERS?

Before we jump head first into this topic, let’s take a look at what the Constitution says about free speech.  Free speech rights are indivisible. Why else could the (“NWA”) be allow to scream “Fuck the Police” in their lyrics or when (“Guns N’ Roses”) aired the song “One In A Million” the band tailored it’s image to appeal to white, heterosexual, nativity prejudices, denouncing blacks, immigrants and gays while coyly apologizing “to those who may images (51)have taken offense”. Restricting the speech of one group or  an individual jeopardizes everyone’s right because the same laws or regulations used to bigots can be used to silence you. Laws that defend free speech for bigots like Donald Sterling can be used to defend rights of civil rights workers, anti war protesters, lesbian and gay activists and others fighting for justice.

So let’s deal with this topic rationally and remove the emotional instigation away from the equation…Shall we? Everyone is so quick to play the race card. Real talk, are you really shocked an old wealthy Caucasian living in America is a bigot? I’m not making light of the situation at all, but sometimes you have to laugh to hide the tears. This isn’t about free speech or playing the race card. It’s about Commercial Law, i.e., Franchise Agreements and Contracts. Donald Sterling’s advisers are not idiots. They understand actually what Donald Sterling is doing and advised him to do so. He can’t be that stupid! Or can he?

In recent years, a rise in verbal abuse and violence directed at people of color, lesbians and gay images (36)men, and other historically persecuted groups have plagued the United States. Among the settings of these expressions of intolerance are the NBA, which is where the heart of this discussion lies. Outrage, indignation and demands for Donald Sterling to relinquish his rights as owner of the LA CLIPPERS has greeted the incident–understandably, given the ethical diversity of the players in the NBA.

The NBA is a Brand  or Corporate entity created long before Donald Sterling purchased his “Franchise Team” the LA CLIPPERS.  That’s why Donald Sterling receives checks from the NBA via a Franchisor/Franchisee agreement. Which means there are certain rules and regulations established for the owners to adhere to or he/she will be subject to DEFAULT/TERMINATION. Allow me to give you an example. If someone purchases a McDonald’s Franchise they wouldn’t be allowed to sell pigs feet at the counter or hang banners inimages (4) the window of their favorite politician who’s running for office. The individual may have purchased a Franchise but they don’t outright buy McDonald. Therefore, McDonald’s reserves the right to TERMINATE an agreement with one of it’s “Franchise Owner” if they are in clear violation of said agreement.

In the “Franchise Agreement” of the United States Basketball League pursuant to ARTICLE 13 DEFAULT/TERMINATION section (n) “if you, or any person controlling, controlled by or under common control with you, fails to conduct the United States Basketball League, here and after (“USBL”) Franchise is full compliance with applicable law or regulation. The “Franchise Agreement” also states in part, “Upon the images (3)occurrence of any of the events of default as set forth above, we may, without prejudice to any other rights or remedies contained in this Franchise Agreement or provided by law or equity, terminate this Franchise Agreement”. see Franchise Agreement — United States Basketball League.

So the question is, “Will the NBA support the bigot or stand by their brand?” In my humble opinion, “I don’t think so”.



All rights and photos of the NBA logo and players are the property of the NBA

Article written by Maestro May 14, 2014

Revised May 14, 2014

Jessie Owens a USA  sprinter and long jumper redefined track and field as we knew it at the Olympics in 1936 winning 4-gold  medals. He broke records almost every time he competed. Hitler along with countless others were annoyed that the negro, Jessie Owens had won so many gold medals. He said with a shrug; “their (“African-Americans”) were stronger than those of civilized whites and hence should be excluded from future games.” Sounds familiar? Well, Jimmy the Geek, Oh I meant, “Greek”, made a similar comment on January 16, 1988. He said; and I quote ” The Black is a better athlete to begin with because he’s been bred to be that way, because of his thighs that goes up into his back, and they jump higher and he’s bred to be the better athlete because this goes back all the way to the civil war when during the slave trade…the sdownload (13)lave owner would breed his big Black to his big woman so that he could have a big Black kid.” [end quote]

In 2007 MSNBC’s in the Morning host, Don Imus, referred to the Rutgers University women’s Basketball team, which was made up of eight African-American and only two white players, as “nappy-headed hoes”. Now I’m no rocket scientist, but what possess these men to think it was OK to disrespect a race of people on national television. Take a moment to look at the video below and tell me what major network would have allowed their host to carry on like they were having a conversation at a strip bar. Fortunately, like Jimmy the Greek (“as seen to the left”), Don Imus, felt the raft of a civil societies conscious on race and they  were forced off their high horse.




This is your man Maestro weighing in on the situation and it goes without saying that this is the type of shit that causes so many problems with race relations here in America. Unless you’ve been asleep underneath a rock you have already heard about the scandal surrounding the LA Clippers owner, Donald Sterling and his true feelings about Black people. “Come-on Man!” Are you serious? Here is a guy who has built an empire on the physical talents of Black athletes and he has the nerve to tell his (“ass on the side”) that she  shouldn’t bring any Blacks to his game. If you ask me, it sounds like “Donald” has stuck his foot into his mouth.  Some of you may argue that it was a private conversation and it should not have been taped. Fruit of a poisonous tree hold true in this case. What’s done in the dark will eventually come to the light.  As far as I’m concerned, I will not under any circumstances attend another LA Clipper game as long as he has something to do with that franchise. But I have to take my hat off to Adam Silver, and I don’t do that for anyone, for taking a stance against the Racist Bigot by banding him from the league indefinitely. So what’s the moral of this story?  If you are going to put yourself out there, be ready to suffer the consequences of being ignorant. download (14)


Written by Maestro


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Being shot for wearing a hoddie just doesn’t make any sense but I guess it might when the shooter uses the “Stand Your Ground Defense”. The untimely death of a minor should never be based on a wantta be’s resolve or when the actions of a racist is hinged on a judgment call. Riots are the offspring of injustice administered by the law and no matter what someone captures on tape, a jury’s perception can be flawed. images (27)

          There is a pain in my heart as a result of the lies we invent. So I’ll attempt to put this into perspective in light of how the verdict went. What value can be placed on a young man’s life? Now I’m not talking about the case a few years ago involving the pit bull fight. Michael Vick did time on the strength of what his cousin said, now Zimmerman  is promoting a fight. I wonder what’s going through Trayvon’s father head? I think its time for us to re-evaluate some of the laws in place before one of our son’s end up on their back–with a gun in their face.

download (1)Written by Maestro February 20, 2014

My message is often distorted

But it’s true,

So don’t play the race card

Because this is intended for you.

I might be called an addict

For having the courage to say this

But my existence cannot be defined

By some reality show hit.

You ever wonder why every man

Has to prove that he’s straight?

Or every medal detector you’re forced to walk through

Defines another step you take?

Quit staring at the world

From the backseat of his view

And keep in mind that the survival of a tree

Rest entirely on it’s roots.

Congested forums overflow from the in-take

Of our mind to a scripts

Only to end up on death row because I decided

To pop a Xanax and trip.

So you build blinders, hypothesize and ignore

What’s science and truth

Then after gravity takes hold

You’re left trying to reclaim the height of your youth

So let’s play the race card

For the second time this week

But this time don’t interrupt me

Until I have had the chance to finish my speech

Radical choices I have made in the past

Have made my bed hard as shit

So I decided to hang the sheets on the line…

And washed my hands of it.

You know that every chance I get to work on this canvas I’ve got to mix up the paint a little bit to come up with something new. So until the next time I create another master piece…Keep your head up!  Please allow me to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for making my blog a part of your day and I want you to know that here on Street Justice this isn’t a Dictatorship.  I want you to share your views and comments with me. In order for us to grow we have to seek knowledge because once you think you know every thing, what’s the purpose of living? I grow wiser by each question that you ask. So don’t be shy!  By all means ask questions about any pressing legal issues which are affecting your community and I will give you my take on the subject.  And if you want me to do an article on a particular subject, simply make a request and I will do so. I also want to introduce “Lawless Fridays”. On Friday I’ll be taking any and all questions and comments my followers and you’ll be able to post material, “in good taste” about topics that matter to you. Of course, this will include poetry, spoken word and video links.  Please don’t be offended if we don’t choose your work, it doesn’t mean we don’t like it, we are just looking for something appealing, different and eye catching. So try to be as creative as possible.  Each week we will evaluate your work and post the best in our “poetry corner” the following week. I have a poetry book entitled, “Archives Of A Black Man” which will be available in the fall of this year. So make your request for the book and inquires early @ I will be planting small seeds on this blog to tantalize your taste buds.

We would like to get 250,000 followers by February so when you visit the page just click on the icon at the bottom right portion of your screen and simply provide your email address. You will then receive instant notification of anything I post.

So in the interest of good taste, until next time. This is the one and only Maestro.

Nos vemos!