Posts Tagged ‘NEIGHBOR’

I told you earlier about living  in Ghana for 5 years and these are some of the memories that came back to the states with me. I believe that traveling around the world is Mother Natures greatest sporting arena. I call this little piece “The Motherland”. Take from it what you need and the things you have yet to find seek within yourself. Because what you frown upon, might be another man’s pleasure.


I remember

The freedom enjoyed

Before we boarded their ships

And how our native tongue

Flowed in the breeze

From a young virgin lips.

It’s a melody

Long lost

And separated by years

But the echoes

From the past

Still resonate in my ears.

Can you imagine

A place

Where no chore was in vein?

Or making time

For your brother

Wasn’t an object of shame?

An incredible land

With golden pastures

Shape shifting with ease,

As the fragrance

For Mother Nature

Sprays her essence on leaves.

Open plains

To a jungle

Which appear savage are tamed

And everybody

In the village

Seemed to know me by name.

I remember the drums

That our

Ancestors played,

And how the heat

From the sun

Made us long for the shade.

There kids

Played in fields

Unencumbered by streets

They found

Refuge in knowing

What their elders had to teach.

Man, I remember

The old songs

That brought tears to my eyes

And that the courage

Of a man gave him the strength

To want to cry

I am overcome

By waves of nostalgia

Ankle deep in sand

Every time I reflect

On the pleasant memories

That take me back to the Motherland.


You may not know this but the U.S. Department of Justice statistics reports that 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men will experience some kind of sexual assault in their lifetime. WOW! The statistics also show that 67% of sexual assaults have victims under the age of 18. It is also reported that almost two-thirds of all sexual assaults are committed by someone known to the victim. (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of statistics. 2007)

So what is being done to prevent someone you know from becoming part of the aforementioned jaw-dropping stats? Currently, all 50 states have a registration and tracking system in place to ensure that sex offenders are closely monitored.

Believe it or not finding out if someone is a sex offender is just a click away. The internet and social are a wealth of information and we have to take advantage of these sources. If you are in question of some ones, “status” just take a few minutes and drop their name in the registry to get a better idea of what you are dealing with. Now there isn’t any sure fire way of detecting these predators because the system put in place is man-made and can therefore be flawed. For instance, if a sex offender doesn’t register in the registry then you will have no way of knowing his or her status.

So parents it is ultimately up to you to do what you can to ensure your sons and daughters are in a safe environment. You can’t be everywhere but you can be careful. I’m Maestro and this is my personal dedication to the victims all over the world of sexual abuse.


Sources and Citations

Statistics and figures taken from (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Statistics 2007)