Posts Tagged ‘MEDITATION’




For years they have violated the elementary principles of human dignity, using naive concepts and out dated applications of the 19th century . So far  the  revolution  is  no thing  more  than  institutions  made  up of different schools  of  thoughts,  by  Black  leaders  yelling  at  whomever will stop long enough to get their  point



across . The  media  would  have  you think that  I  am  some  kinda right-winged activist , I didn’t walk 10 miles to school but I’m gonna tell this story  the way  I see fit .

I’m a strong Black man  holding on to something more than a picket sign in the street or searching for a testimony or a catchy line in a speech. The estrangement of man from nature began with a test , which sent him in a pictorial decline in an attempt to hide his own  nakedness . Early  on  we  made  light of man’s God given  right to be free, so I baptized this message in terms of linguistic artistry. By approaching this problem of slave sustenance chronologically, we find that the Sphinx is the personified symbol of the riddle we seek.

These deprivations affecting  the functioning capacity in my case, has left  a  deep  impression  upon  the  entire  development of our race . But this has  to  be  our  fight I can’t possibly bear the burden of being a prophet. Lonely  nights I toss  and  turn  saying  to myself,  tomorrow  could  be  it . Then there  are  other  nights  I lie in  bed  not knowing  what’s  real or  what’s  fake and if by chance I’m   in a dream, then tie both of my feet to a stake. I’ll seek beauty in my soul, far beyond the borders of this land and when there is nothing left to console me. I’ll find comfort in who I am.



Written by Antonio Moses

ARCHIVES OF A BLACK MAN Written by Antonio Moses

ARCHIVES OF A BLACK MAN is a book of spoken word, essays and poetry written by an up and coming author named Antonio Moses share this video with your friends and family. It is an excerpt from book, which is one of many pieces you’ll fall in love with. (Book Trailer) Some of the best spoken word you’ll hear. Visit Antonio Moses author page at: and buy his book RITA (The Sole Survivor) on Ashanti Publishing Group  You can also drop Antonio a line and he will personally respond to you at: Let me know what you think of the proposed cover and if you have any suggestions please feel free to forward them to me. Don’t worry I have thick skin.