Posts Tagged ‘Federal Bureau of Prison’


Let’s have a discussion…Shall we? What is your take on the current way the criminal justice system, systematically target Blacks. Is it just by “chance” an alarming number of White Officers are gunning down young Black boys in the streets? Or is it just my imagination…Running away with me?


I felt compelled to post the two YouTube videos on the topic of race playing a major role in the disproportionate statistics as they relate to the number of white males incarcerated opposed to black males.  In the interest of peace and communication, I preempted  this topic with the supporting facts and figures for us to rely on.  In general most people tend to argue about topics they know very little about.  For example, I have been in situations where I wasted my time arguing with a colleague about the theory of (2 + 2) not equaling four.   I would sit there; patiently, relying solely on reasoning to console me. But after about an hour the premise of their argument would to reduce to absurdity. I was often disturbed  by their vein attempt to rationalize their proposition. The same argument could be presented; “Is the glass half empty or is it half full?” Finally I realized after studying the Philosophical Logic of Arguments that we can sometimes get caught up in the Rhetorical dynamics of a subject. Simply put  a valid argument doesn’t have to be sound, but sound arguments have to be valid.

So who’s up for the discussion?



ASHANTI PUBLISHING GROUP is publishing the true life events of Muhammad Jalal Deen Akbar in “The Making of an Airplane Hijacker”. The article below was written by the Miami Herald. The Making of an Airplane Hijacker will be in bookstores in December. Reserve a copy at

The Miami Herald

April 11, 1980.  p. 16.


Cuba May Let U.S. Hijacker Go to a Moslem Country


From Herald Staff and Wire Reports

HAVANA – The man who hijacked an American Airlines jet to Cuba said Thursday he acted to escape racial and religious persecution in the United States, the official Cuban news agency reported.

A Cuban government broadcast said the hijacker expressed a desire to leave Cuba for a Moslem country, and that he would be allowed to do so.

The news agency, Prensa Latina identified the gunman as Gerald Leland Merity, 35, originally of Minneapolis, and said he dropped out of dental school at the University of San Francisco last year.

The University of San Francisco has no dental school, but the University of California-San Francisco confirmed that a man by that name attended the university from the fall of 1997 until January 1980, when he dropped out.

Prensa Latina said Merity was a converted Moslem who uses the name Muhammad Jalal Deen Akbar.


IF HE is permitted to leave the island and go wherever he wants, it would mark the first time since hijackings to Cuba began more than a decade ago that Cuba hasn’t prosecuted the hijacker, the State Department said in Washington.

However, State Department officials said late Thursday that had received assurances from Havana that the hijacker would be prosecuted.

Michael Kozak, a legal affairs specialist for the State Department, noted that an executive agreement between the United States and Cuba requiring each country to prosecute hijackers lapsed in April 1977 at the Cuban government’s request.

Nevertheless, the Cubans have continued to abide by its terms, Kozak said, although their motive in doing so may be less to cooperate with the United States than to discourage air piracy.

“Cuba didn’t want to become a haven for crazies,” Kozak said.


STATE DEPARTMENT sources said that if this latest hijacker is released, it could be seen as an attempt by Cuba to “tweak us.”

Cuban President Fidel Castro has been complaining for years that it appears unfair that he prosecutes hijackers while the United States has never been able to successfully prosecute a Cuban boat hijacker.

“But in this case,” one State Department official said, “it could just be his way of showing to the world that there are people who want to come into Cuba just as much as there are people who want to get out.”

Prensa Latina quoted Merity as saying “In the United States, slavery formally ended a little more than 100 years ago, but it continues informally. Until a short time ago, we blacks had to struggle against the Ku Klux Klan, but now we have to do it against the police that accost us, and against the Nazi Party.”

An FBI source in Miami said that aboard the Boeing 727 during the 10-hour hijacking from Ontario, Calif., to Havana on Wednesday, the grimy-clad gunman “behaved more like a criminal fugitive than a political fugitive.”

“Political terrorists generally are verbose and spend the time telling their hostages of their resentment and their reason for their action,” the source said. “This man said nothing at all.”

The FBI prepared composite sketches of the hijacker in an effort to identify him.


THE GUNMAN leaped a fence at Ontario International Airport near Los Angeles on Wednesday morning. He entered the door of the plane being readied for a flight to Chicago, held a .45-caliber pistol to the head of a flight attendant and demanded to be taken to Havana.

The plane and its crew of seven made a refueling stop at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport and then flew directly to Havana’s Jose Marti Airport. The plane was allowed to return to Miami Wednesday night.

It was the second hijacking to Cuba this year. On Jan. 25, a Delta Airlines plane from Atlanta was forced to fly to Havana by a man later identified as Samuel Alden Ingram. Ingram remains in Cuba.


This article was compiled from reports by Tom Fiedler of The Herald’s Washington bureau and by United Press International.





For those of you who wants to know about what goes into to making a “SNITCH”, here is a crash course 101 in “Cooperating With The Government”. The average criminal doesn’t wake up in the morning thinking to himself, “Man, will this be the day I get bagged?” On the contrary, most individuals who circumvent the law have been doing so for so long that they feel invincible or entitled, for lack of a better word. So rather than hitting a lick and getting out, they try to make a career out of breaking the law. Which leads me to the question, “What goes into the making of a SNITCH?”

Is it genetic? Does it have anything to do with the up-bringing or has it become a Culture? Well, I don’t personally think anyone is predisposed to being a SNITCH and although up-bringing could, we can’t conclusively say that growing up in a rough part of town will make you a stand-up guy. History has shown us the toughest in the hood have danced with the devil, ONCE THE PARTY IS OVER” and everything is on the line. So have we become a nation of SNITCHES, well the government wants this to be a police state. Personally, if I came across a child being victimized it would be my civic duty by default of  being a member of the human race,  to do something. That goes for little old ladies, defenseless women, etc… But is there a line drawn when an adult of sound mind, decides he/she is going to break the law. For every action there is a reaction. “If you do the dirt wear the shirt!”

The incarceration rate in the United States in the highest in the world and based on the current overcrowding in the prison system,  I am sure that there will be a lot more individuals making deals to lessen their burden. This country currently holds 2.4 million people in prison, I’d say that the prosecutors intimidating  tactics are working. Going to trial is a right not a crime, but defendants who stand on their constitutional right to face their accuser receive a stiffer sentence than a defendant who’d plea guilty. Now don’t get me wrong not all pleas result in cooperation.

97 percent of drug defendants forgo their right to tr

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Stop Snitching! Is a campaign dedicated to silencing the government witnesses.

ial and plead out.

“Federal prosecutors routinely threaten extraordinarily severe prison sentences to coerce drug defendants into waiving their right to trial and pleading guilty,” the human rights group found. Looking specifically at drug cases (the primary filler of brimming U.S. prisons), “only 3 percent of U.S. drug defendants in federal cases chose to go to trial.” (see 5K1 Motion link above)

When it’s all said and done after the government executes its squeeze play, it takes a certain type of man to stand up under that type of pressure. And I don’t care what neighborhood you came from or what set you claim, when you’re a 21 year old walking into a federal courtroom and you’re told you won’t get out of jail for the next 35 years, wheels start to turn.  You know the sick game the federal courts play is that they never sentence a defendant to years.

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The judge always sentences defendants to months. So if you’re not sharp, it may take a few days before you realize how much time the judge actually sentenced you to. Federal judges hand out sentences like 285 months, 348 months like breathing air. So forget what you heard about getting 5-years and doing 18 months. In the federal systems every defendant has to do 85% of their time regardless of the offense you committed.  Drug dealers…85%, Murders…85%, Violent Offenders 85%…, Child Pedophiles 85%…, Rapist 85%… and yes First Time Offenders 85%! For example if you’re sentenced to 60 months you are required to serve 51 months (And that includes good time).

But what’s all the hoopla about?  Adam turned state on Eve. Ha! Ha! Ha!  No really, on a serious note. A lot of old players said back in the day, “don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.” But what those old guys didn’t face were mandatory minimum sentences and three strike rules. Shit I recall when I was growing up, my brother would go to jail all the time. He would do a little time and he’d be out of state prison.  After a few months he’d be working on his next caper. Then I had a homeboy picked up by the feds in the summer of 93 and we still haven’t seen or heard from him.

There is absolutely NO honor out there in the streets. If you fall you better believe you are going to hit the ground hard and often by yourself. No one is going to help your family, and you definitely can kiss your relationship goodbye. (Of course, there are exceptions to every rule)  There are men in federal prison who stood up and didn’t give a damn how much the feds offered them. They went to trial and said “BRING IT!” I take my hat off to those who believed in keeping their mouths shut. And on the same token, there are some women out there who have stood by their man faithfully while they are paying their so-called “debt to society.”  But we are not here to discuss the exception, we are here to deb into the alarming statics in the making of a SNITCH.

Just remember, “you never really know what you’d do in another person’s situation, unless you come face to face with his demons”.

Based on the numbers, the system is crawling with rats and they are not separated from the general population. As a matter of fact, they are no longer the minority they are the majority on compounds everywhere in the system. And although no one whats to admit it the numbers are staggering. The snitch culture is here and it doesn’t appear to be a fad.


Finally after it’s been said and done, once a defendant makes a deal with the government, the

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prosecutor has up to one year to file what is referred to as a “Rule 35” which in some cases means the defendant will get another reduction. Normally, these reduction are 12.5 percent each. Unless, of course your someone like SAMMY THE BULL.

Just keep in mind, there is always work at the post office… This is your man Maestro and I’m out!

Maestro Speaks

Maestro Speaks