Posts Tagged ‘fade’

tumblr_mjx02yhfie1qjbokeo1_500In the mist of dawn and aging night it falls. Scattered secrets erupt after skeleton’s in our closet and monsters from our wildest dreams surface. Infidelity has shown both sides of its face and tainted views dampen the curiosity, pouring out hurtful word and damaging images on the floor. Confused we often fall. In a world of raging storms, in the garden where temptation was born, we somehow lost our innocence. Strangled by hypocrisy, we exist, not at all aware of the happiness we missed. My heart tells me one thing, but the walls whisper another. Their words are like a memory drifting through leaves, obscured with lies intended to disfigure and destroy. So where do we draw the line? Or better yet, can the love we lost be found? Are we destined to reclaim evenings which cause us so much despair? Hasn’t enough words been said about that one night love affair? Who am I trying to convince, the jury is out. The scars of war often remind me, love can sometimes be your biggest adversary.

My life has been a “Merry-Go-Around”.

One imbroglio after another

I’m a fiasco waiting to happen

Another let down for the brothers’.

We remain in a dark shroud

Forlorn to unearth the truth,

Spellbound by a mystic God

That leads us further from our roots

Lies trickles off their tongue

Like a running faucet at my feet

And the parity of it all

Makes the lining of my stomach weak.

Rhetorical assassins lie traps in fields

Which makes it hard to go straight

They fire hollow point of views

That instigate the irony of our fate

Age has no honor

Yet, beauty ravishes the soul

Literature has become frivolous

The flame of science has turned cold

Only time will paint the canvas

Of how the saga unfolds

And Paramount will reap the benefits

Once the movie rights are sold.