Posts Tagged ‘Double Standard’

The disservice of prima facie racism

has taken this country by a storm!

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The disservice of prima facie racism must end.

Just as the (regressive) burning of gunpowder grains started to wither from the pallets our taste buds, another young African American falls victim at the hands of a law enforcement officer.  This can’t be happening in the land of the free…oh but it is the home of the slaves! This is the military that helped overthrow Saddam Hussein for God sake. A country that prides itself on being the beacon of justice for the free world.  For the life of me, I can’t bring myself to understand why, the United States of America invades other countries to protect it’s citizens and are not willing to do anything to ensure justice is served within the boarders of it’s own jurisdiction. So why in the hell is there a headline that reads, “OFF DUTY ST. LOUIS OFFICER KILLS ANOTHER AFRICAN AMERICAN TEENAGER”. It almost sounds like the synopsis for some crazy movie expected to be out in theaters this summer. But unfortunately for many of us living in these torn communities, this is all too real. In fact, we predicted that this type of police brutality would continue to escalate. It appears all of the recent killings can be contributed to the simple fact, there are no current deterrent protocols in place to punish over-zealous officers who take it upon themselves to act as Judge, Jury & Executioner.

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Stop police brutality

First and foremost, there needs to be a boycott organized by the community leaders for the citizens of MISSOURI to demonstrate their protest for the recent murders of two African American teenagers. The taking of innocent lives cannot be tolerated, regardless if the perpetrators in question are law enforcement officers. In a civil society parents are expected to teach their children to obey law enforcement officers, not advise them of being fearful of radical cops. It’s enough having to deal with the chore of raising children in a society where prejudice and racism interact with one another on a daily basis – from the overt to the sublime. The disservice of prima facie racism is more than a race of people trapped in a paradigm of foolish pride and regret. This disease cuts down deep into the core of our nation and often finds itself in the hearts of men with shallow dreams and contagious ideologies.

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50 grams of crack was a mandatory minimum of 10 years.

We as parents and BLACK people have to ensure this type of aggression isn’t tolerated and the only thing that will make the government and corporate America take heed to our plea,  is to hit them where it hurts. Take your dollars and place them in places where they are better served.  If individuals could sacrifice for a month or until change is implemented; and I’m not talking about slapping someone on the wrist or suspending an officer with pay, I’m talking about long-term prison sentences or even the death penalty. A strong message needs to be sent to law enforcement officers to make them realize the days of killing slaves died under the heels of civilization and for those men unwilling to adapt to the changes will be better off buried beneath the ignorance which fester within them.

Hell, the Sentencing Commission feels that handing out longer prison sentences is a deterrent to criminal activity and surely a mandatory minimum is in order for those who take the lives of the citizen who they; so patriotically, take oaths to protect and serve. Back in the day, 50 grams of Crack Cocaine would get you a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years. Let me be very clear for those of you who maintain “the ends justifies the means”. As you can see in the image to the left, 50 grams of crack cocaine is the size of a quarter and for more than 20 years the federal government locked away first-time non violent offenders for most of their productive years. And generally all it takes is another person to point their finger to gain a conviction. Now we have hundreds of videos showing law enforcement officers brutally beating and in most instances killing young black men all over this nations soil. All under the guise of JUSTICE!


This bullet represents something more than change. It can take life, tempered by persuasion  or it can primages (4)otect us IF given the right circumstances. It is fashioned by steel to sit in the palm of your hand and in the blink of an eye, it can take the life of a man. A bullets edges are smooth and cold to the touch  but it’s core is soft, wrapped in a sheet of steel to keep it warm. It has single handily claimed more lives than HATE but rather than awarding the bullet for it’s accomplishments, lobbyist do every thing they can to down play the bullets involvement. So then if we taxed it and placed price tags on them like a Lamborghini then fewer people will be able to afford them. RIGHT?

Now who is up for the challenge, to stand down on fate? Years of repetition on call and I still can’t wait. Poverty is nothing more than a bi-product of greed instituted by a system to amass wealth. Pious men have gone to great lengths  to expose the charade. But Despite our efforts to get involved we’re often labelled socialist and placed on watch list. Don’t you find it ironic that the men who founded this country rebelled against a system which made them obsolete. Thus, the UNITED STATES was formed.

I am getting a little tired of the long drawn out interviews, coffee spills in the morning and having to say grace, dropped calls, crowded malls and walking up a never ending staircase. By chance we met under the guise of fate and by choice I dedicate my efforts to redefine my calling of late. Mass appeal can sometime distract us from our purpose,  with its motives and water down excuses about life and as long as I have the courage I can handle the fight. Illuminati, Masonry, are but a few pawns used in the larger scheme of things to control the center of the board. The more OBJECTS we acquire, leaves our castle vulnerable and we never stop long enough to take into account the material imbalance it causes in our lives. And before we realize it, we find ourselves in an endgame without the support of our most valuable piece.  THE QUEEN. Then like common thieves we find ourselves in a foot race to regain what we so carelessly gave away.

So what’s new?  Mass shootings, Reality Shows, a grid locked administration and an increasing unemployment rate. To make matters worst the government is all up in my business trying to tell me what healthcare provider is best for me. I don’t profess to be a politician, although I do admire a good debate. All this talk about global warming and building a wait station out in space has got me perplexed and the CDC is hellbent on trying to convince me that I’m next.

Democracy has a tendency of committing suicide. My question is if we are a Republic, then why on gods green earth are we spreading Democracy around the globe? It’s something about mob rule that just doesn’t sit right with me. So how do we place the power back into the hands of “The People?” This may be accomplished by resolved through putting an end to the alienation between people created by the institution of private property.

The overly abstract and ideal conception of the world represented by philosophy. Each word nothing more than an abstract mystification of the actual force. It can be found where ideas and institutions are balanced “a concept interwoven with outdated activity and material intercourse of men and appear to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. This falls somewhere between a deliberate act of Genocide and an Inferiority Complex this country inherited. Now here we are celebrating your independence when we’re all depended on pot. Forget about the 40 acres or the window from which I use to gaze upon a lot. I hate to be the one to put the crème in your red white and blue. So if it was my choice to choose who bites this bullet between us, It would have to be you.

Maestro Speaks

Maestro Speaks