Posts Tagged ‘divine’

download (18)A spirit waiting to be born

The moment of great chance stirs

Hidden potential buried beneath the surface… It sits

Aversion to it’s wisdom is futile

For the embodiment of humanity reside therein

download (19)A seed that could change the way we view the world

Born free, delivered by flight

Among a dawning age a dream takes flight

Theft never giveth

Yet, alms never taketh away

Shall speaketh any spilled blood unto the earth

After all, I am my BROTHER’S keeper

For a man’s blood is sacred

images (36)Fueled by the spirit of eternity everlasting

Let there be enlightenment!

Thus, the fluid of kinship flows

Man is but a bundle of relations

A mere knot of roots, whose complexity

Can be encountered in me

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“In light of gold, fire purges the soul

Bringing forth brilliance out of darkness.

Which inevitably manifest itself in the form

Of a blood clot, nestled along divine corridors 

Ultimately, leading us a step closer to  our finality.”


An excerpt from “Archives of A BLACK MAN” written

by Antonio Moses


Send us your poems, they will be posted on Wednesday’s as a tribute to writers and allow our followers to comment on your work. You the viewer will be allowed to “REVIEW IT! or “SCREW IT!”

Maestro Speaks

Maestro Speaks

Your gentle eyes fall upon me…We embrace. The spirit of motion controls us,I surrender.images (83)

Captivated in time our bodies tremble relying on each others fidelity to stay grounded. The air is think with anticipation, two hearts, two souls………….. ONE LOVE. I can feel your energy. Know my fears.

Then in the moment of trust and tenderness you surrender; trapped somewhere between the jaws of ecstasy and my dreams. Far beyond the boundaries of intimacy and shame, our passions ignites. Your moans energize my endurance which heighten the thrill…..I’m spinning!

Twisted in knots, like a whirl wind, we challenge the limits of our temple by weaving the strands of our souls together as one. In and out my spirit flows, it’s destiny is to erupt. Oh! This ain’t no one night stand. Your passion excites me, delights, me it EN-TI-CES me! Can you feel the heat?

My hormones are in over drive,  let me ride you. Allow me to touch the inner depths of your well. Maybe there I’ll find something new. Pushing my limits of energy to unprecedented heights, your passion swells and as you arch your back—–I strap in for the ride. Pent up frustration starts to flow deep inside. Finally, we cum to the end of our journey compelled to sleep. I wipe a tear from your cheek and smile. To say I love you is an expression, but to be loved by you is (“THE ULTIMATE BLESSING”)