Posts Tagged ‘commercial law’

Martial law occurs when the military or militarized law enforcement replaces civilian authorities in order to impose military rule during an emergency. Civil liberties are suspended. In the United States, a pivot point that signals  martial law is the suspension of habeas corpus – the right to a hearing on whether an imprisonment is lawful. In practice, habeas corpus means a person cannot be imprisoned without legitimate charges and due process. The U.S. Constitution recognizes the suspension of habeas corpus as an identifying feature of martial law in Article I, Section 9, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.”

Ever since Obama took over the office of the President, there have been a number of people claiming that he was so




interested in power, they could really see him taking steps to ensure that he never had to give it up. Of course, in the past, this kind of talk has been more or less confined to conspiracy theorists and others that mainstream society might consider to be, let’s just say, less than credible.

Now we already know that Obama has signed an executive order giving him the right to declare martial law any time he wants. This is a significant sign that he thinks there might be a good reason for him to need that authority. Say what you want, Obama is at least able to realize the signs of the times. He sees that the Republicans are very likely to capture the Senate, which would give them full control over both houses of Congress. This would put Obama in a very dangerous situation.

Now we already know that Obama has signed an executive order giving him the right to declare martial law any time he wants. This is a significant sign that he thinks there might be a good reason for him to need that authority. Say what you want, Obama is at least able to realize the signs of the times. He sees that the Republicans are very likely to capture the Senate, which would give them full control over both houses of Congress. This would put Obama in a very dangerous situation.

Once this happens, the question then becomes what do the Republicans do with that advantage? It is certainly possible that impeachment proceedings could be started. If this goes to its end, there is also the possibility that Obama could even be tried as a traitor to the USA. It is certainly obvious that he has no love lost for America and its traditional values and principles.

There are a number of people that have talked about this, even some within the government. Obama, being the prideful man and committed liberal that his, could simply not afford to let such a thing stop his extreme agenda. Personally, I think he feels as if no one else can accomplish or be trusted to push his agenda through and it doesn’t matter how many people oppose him…



So what does the government stand to gain by declaring Marshal Law on its own citizens? After the coming economic financial collapse, a state of world-wide martial law will be declared. Considering the current events which are in direct alignment with documented plans for totalitarian one-world government, (white paper plans published by the Tri-Lateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, and Club of Rome), martial law will be imposed without official dissent upon the various countries of the world. Martial law is military rule imposed upon civilian populations in a time of war or during a (sic) “State of Emergency”. The following elements can be expected to occur once the t.v. news anchors tell people not to panic, but that a State of Emergency has been declared due to the crash, and a (sic) temporary state of martial law has been declared, which will be rescinded once the State of Emergency has passed.
What the news people won’t tell you is that given the history of martial law, the suspension of such a draconian state is far more difficult to achieve than its original imposition…

1. CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE ENDED-Under martial law, the U.S. Constitution is suspended and the citizens immediately lose all the protections, safeguards, and human rights guaranteed by that document. The citizens also lose every rights and privileges granted under The Bill of Rights. The constitutions of other countries will likewise be suspended with similar conditions imposed upon the citizens of those other countries.

2. CURFEW ENFORCEMENT-Anyone caught outside after curfew can be shot dead. There are no exceptions for personal emergencies unless of course, these people have some sort of official written permission or are in possession of other material which gives them a “Get Out Of Jail Free” card.

3. WRIT OF HABEUS CORPUS SUSPENDED-This means that soldiers can bust into your house, or arrest you on the street without warrants, and can throw you into prison without explanation or access to legal counsel. They can hold you there for months, even years, since there are no time limits imposed on how long you can be imprisoned.

4. PERSONAL FIREARMS WILL BE SEIZED-Armed forces can invade your home and force you to surrender any weapons you have, regardless of your constitutional right or need to bear arms for your self-defense. If you refuse, you could be shot dead in your living room, and all your possessions seized. If you’re lucky, you might just get Tasered, or butt-ended with an AK-47, to eventually wake up in a Federal Emergency Management Agency (F.E.M.A.) Detention Center with a Prison Identification Number which you will go by as a “name” instead of your old name, the one on your birth certificate.

5. PERSONAL PROPERTY CAN BE SEIZED-This means that under the excuse of “requisitioning”, soldiers can kick you out of your home, and seize both your home, all the contents inside that home, as well as any vehicles, or other items you have on your grounds. They also can claim the actual real estate of the acreage as well. If you refuse or resist in some way well….I guess you can fill in the blanks or use your imagination.

Rosa Parks V. Outkast

In 1999 Rosa Parks filed a lawsuit against the Hip Hop renowned group “Outkast” for alleged defamation and trademark infringement. Go to the link of more details ( As you all know the Grammy winning group used Rosa Parks’ name without your permission. Rosa Parks made history in 1955 after being arrested for refusing to surrender her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus. Her arrest led to a 381-day boycott of the bus system which caused for the desegregation legislation for public transportation nationwide.

Rosa Louise Mc Cauley Parks; all so known as, “The Mother of the Freedom Movement” was born in Tuskegee, Alabama February 4, 1913 and she was taken back to the motherland October 24, 2005 and where she was laid to rest in the motor city. May she rest in peace. My hat goes off to Rosa Parks and the courage she demonstrated in a period when so little existed. Yeah! This is your man Maestro again and you know how we do it, I have to give props when they are due and by all means it is well deserved. Today’s topic deals with the infringement of another’s property.

Now throughout the aforementioned proceedings Outcast maintained that the song is neither false advertising nor a violation of Parks’ publicity rights and is protected by the First Amendment. The First Amendment is the first amendment of the Bill of Rights written back in the day. Among other things, The First Amendment protects our freedom of speech. And of course, Rosa Parks civil action rested on 4 key factors:

1. Constituted false advertising under Section 43(a) of the Lanham Act

2. Infringed on her right of publicity

3. Defamed her character

4. Interfered with an ongoing business relationship

In April of 2005, Parks and OutKast reached a settlement implying no fault on the part of OutKast. The band and their record labels agreed to work with the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development in developing educational programs for youth on the role Rosa Parks’ played on the civil rights movement. The band will also perform on a CD tribute to Parks with other contemporary artists and musicians.

Let me also point out that Outkast are my homeboys and they were extremely empathic and respectful throughout the proceeding. And it was outstanding that they were able to finally reach an agreement which worked out in the best interest for both sides. But unfortunately I can’t say the same about the Freeway Rick Ross v. Rick Ross a.k.a., William Leonard Roberts, II case.

FREEWAY RICK ROSS V. RICK ROSS a.k.a. William Leonard Roberts, II


Ricky Donnell Ross also known to the world and the federal government as “Freeway Rick Ross was born May 3, 1960 during a different time an area than when Rosa Parks made her stand, or should I say “took a seat?” The 60s’ were nostalgically described as “The Swinging Sixties” because of the fall of social taboos like racism and sexism. It was also a time when Black men became millionaires profiting of an evil planted in their inner cities as a social design to destroy men of color in America. Why do I say that? Well I experienced first-hand the devastation caused by the drug trade growing up in the projects with my older brother.

The 60s’ also was known for many things like the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther king, Jr., Malcolm X and President John F. Kennedy. From the depths of oppression and injustice gave rise to organizations like The Black Panther Party and other nationalist groups. We also experienced events like the Vietnam War, Man’s first step on the Moon and great music by the Jackson Five and the Beatles.

Freeway Rick Ross was raised in Los Angeles and according to federal prosecutors he was responsible for making millions of dollars in the drug trade. According to the Oakland Tribune, he managed to amass more than $600 million dollars between 1983 and 1984. Now in 1996, Ross was sentenced in federal court to Life Imprisonment after being convicted for attempting to purchase more than 100 kilos of cocaine. Low and behold a series of articles hit the airwaves shortly thereafter Ross’s conviction about the CIA’s participation in transporting cocaine in and out of the United States as part of the Iran-Contra Scandal. And as a result Freeway Rick Ross’s sentence was reduced to 20 years. For those of you who don’t know, Freeway was released September 29, 2009.

Just think Freeway gets out and his name is on billboards’ and he hears depictions of his lifestyle on the airwaves on all the major hip hop stations by an individual who life could not have been anything close to the stories he rapped about. And this wasn’t a shot out type of situation for Freeway, it was an individual assuming his identity for a profit. After Freeway further looked into the matter it was revealed that a former correctional officer at the South Florida Reception Center was calling himself Rick Ross.

So in 2010 Ross sued rapper William Leonard Roberts, II for 10 million dollars for compensation and on December 30, 2013, the court ruled in favor of the rapper Rick Ross, allowing him to keep the name based on a First Amendment Ruling.

Freeway spoke out publicly about the ruling and wanted to make sure kids were not receiving the wrong message from the rappers music. Because you don’t go out and make millions of dollars in the drug game and then one day decide to make raps about it and live happily ever after. Reformed Freeway Rick Ross wants kids to know that there are one or two things that will happen selling drugs, one is that you will either go away for a long prison sentence or two end up in a seminary.

I guess it just boils down to a matter of schematics and one’s moral turpitude. Pay that man!  This is Maestro and I’m out!