Posts Tagged ‘Archives of A Black Man’

Recent Reviews for Antonio Moses

Archives of a Black Man (Book) – 1/14/2015 11:47:26 AM
Best of luck with the book! My people are from Finland. I’ve been back a couple of times and they can not understand the plight of black people here Stateside. Every one, every color from any land is respected there. What is wrong in this picture!!! Love ya! Jane

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and his Legacy (Article) – 1/21/2015 8:55:00 AM
That is a fantastic, emotional poem of great character! Your article is also very well written and thought out. Yes, you are the result of your ancestors’ grief. What Martin Luther King did was help bring about some freedom and dignity to a people long deprived. But his dream is not yet fulfilled, for as BF Skinner wrote in the early 1970s, we must get, “beyond freedom and dignity.” We must get to the dream Martin Luther King had, with all of us on the planet as one, equally working together to solve the problems yet ahead. Ron

Bury Me Free (Poetry) – 1/14/2015 11:48:35 AM
Bless you and your endeavors!! Love ya! Jane

Bury Me Free (Poetry) – 1/14/2015 10:30:25 AM
A great requiem to freedom, may it always and forever be. The struggle isn’t over, but someday they will all see. Ron

Bury Me Free (Poetry) – 1/14/2015 8:22:54 AM
Ahhh . . . There are some white brothers out here . . . Your poem struck the right cord with me.

When Art Speaks (Poetry) – 1/3/2015 10:57:50 AM
As we speak, the mind’s eye of those who perceive us creates pictures. On the other hand, I have viewed the walls of the halls of Hannah Hall, adorned with 25 years of murals depicting various phases of the black man’s experience. Very enlightening, like your words. Ron

I AM (Poetry) – 1/3/2015 7:28:08 AM
Yes, be you! Remain proud. Love ya! Jane

My Window Pain (Poetry) – 1/2/2015 12:24:16 PM
I look out my window and see a bunch of crazy neighbors. I find your window much more interesting. Love ya! Jane

When Art Speaks (Poetry) – 1/2/2015 12:21:41 PM
I must agree with Jerry. Great write! Love ya! Jane

Éclair (Poetry) – 1/2/2015 9:55:53 AM
You left many thoughts “on my mind,” with this super tasty dishy twister. My kind of poem… Much enjoyed! Ron

When Art Speaks (Poetry) – 1/2/2015 6:32:11 AM
Ah yes, for every question, comment or thought there lies, sits or hangs a painting that fits. You got that right . . .

My Window Pain (Poetry) – 1/2/2015 6:29:07 AM
Eh . . . The window, in my thoughts and judgment is a reflection of ourselves, Antonio. What we see, think, or fear as as gaze through the window has nothing whatsoever do do with our feelings, desires, or perspective. It is merely a window. Is it, as some say, a window to our souls? No, it is simply a place to gaze at the world around you. Your window suggest a much more powerful ends to a means.

Éclair (Poetry) – 1/1/2015 6:29:48 PM
I had so much fun reading this. Write on! Love ya! Jane

Éclair (Poetry) – 1/1/2015 9:30:08 AM
Ahhh . . . Loved your wordplay Antonio. Welcome to AD, I think you will like it here.

Éclair (Poetry) – 1/1/2015 8:47:44 AM
The more I read this the more I thought about having a real eclair, but as a diabetic those are for me KILLERS..I do like them as I do like this your poem…(welcome to the Den & Happy New Year…) -e-

THOUGHTS UNLEASHED (Poetry) – 12/30/2014 6:44:09 AM
I like the way you expressed the feeling

THOUGHTS UNLEASHED (Poetry) – 12/29/2014 4:47:23 PM
the essence of a man is beyond his race, creed or color …

THOUGHTS UNLEASHED (Poetry) – 12/29/2014 8:50:14 AM
A very moving and touching recounting of the life and times of living with color. No one could’ve told it better. Will Martin Luther King’s words ever be realized? Ron




It’s been a long time since we’ve had a chance to sit down and have a conversation. I won’t patronize you with excuses or long drawn out interpretations on how the plantations affected us as a race. The truth is, I’ve been busy entertaining myself.  Life is a perpetual event with certain drop offs, which sometimes leaves us alone drifting in a stream. I for one, need to come clean and stand on my own two feet and stop blaming someone else to keep my mind at peace.

I’m almost 50 years old, I don’t have anything left and what makes matter worst, I have absolutely nothing to show for it. Everything I’ve done in my life up to this point, has been predicated solely on a views. So many lies to mend, have left me wondering in loss. I’ve been so concern with complying with everyone else’s perceptions rather than living within the confines of my dreams. Having the attention span of a climax, I’ve wasted more time than I care to remember.

Subliminal thoughts have the tendency of occupying most leisure time and making a living is more than a state of mine when the bottom line continue to fall directly at my feet. The constant badgering of relationship coupled with the need to survive have all but taken its toll and the slim possibility of success wears on my subconscious from the distance. Is the rudiment principle I’ve used to ascertain so obvious? Trying so desperately to understand things I recorded from dreams I create. Only to end up dying to make cents in fact. Rigamortis is the metaphor I’ll rely on for that.

Everybody seems to have an opinion of how the story has been told, now sit back for a second to hear how the shit really unfolds. There are so many internal voices constantly haunting me, so I created high expectations of how my life is suppose to be. So if you feel Adam and Even were part of God’s magnificent plan, then what you see here standing before you is the image of the original man. My mind typically wonder at night but I’m focused today. Therefore I’ll keep using these metaphors and popping pills until the pain goes away.

You can’t recant, retract or regard it as fate. Because this breads from a source of everyday living, not something you can record on tape. You entered into an agreement which you thought was discreet and now every single thang you ever worked for belongs to the streets.

Tormented disfigured reels of insanity play, so many opinions invade the storm holding my intuition at bay. I WAS ERECTED FROM A STORM JUST PASSING THROUGH, AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TRY AND CHANGE the clarity of MY point of VIEW. Gravity tends to take hold when I struggle at night and every downer I sneak and take, leaves my head feeling light. This ain’t the type drama you can vicariously get. I grew up listening to stereos, 8-tracks, and Summer Breeze on cassettes.

So what is the basis of this letter? Is it another fad or a LONG drawn out attempt for attention? This is by no stretch of anyone’s imagination some fairy tale ending that leaves us in a comatose state holding hands singing “kumbaya”, only to wake up and return to the mundane lifestyle on the horizon. Some of us sprint to the finish line, but in the end…it’s just a matter of time…..


Copyrights of Antonio Moses/Publisher Ashanti Publishing Group

Written by Antonio Moses

ARCHIVES OF A BLACK MAN Written by Antonio Moses

ARCHIVES OF A BLACK MAN is a book of spoken word, essays and poetry written by an up and coming author named Antonio Moses share this video with your friends and family. It is an excerpt from book, which is one of many pieces you’ll fall in love with. (Book Trailer) Some of the best spoken word you’ll hear. Visit Antonio Moses author page at: and buy his book RITA (The Sole Survivor) on Ashanti Publishing Group  You can also drop Antonio a line and he will personally respond to you at: Let me know what you think of the proposed cover and if you have any suggestions please feel free to forward them to me. Don’t worry I have thick skin.

According to the J & C “JUDGMENT & COMMITMENT”  filed in Atlanta on July 16, Nida owes a total of $1,948,214.85. images (1)Of that, $127,011.52 will go to the IRS; $126,213.84 to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; $89,761.65 to the U.S. Treasury; $15,778.70 to the State of California; $45,525.68 to the State of Connecticut; $28,249.80 to the State of Iowa; $2,289.47 to the State of Indiana; $3,528.03 to L.A. County; $954.60 to the State of Mississippi; $664.38 to the State of Nebraska; $2,196.37 to the State of New York; $2,200 to San Diego County; $39,275.27 to the State of Texas; $3,284.52 to the State of Utah; $456.85 to the State of Vermont; and $7,612.26 to the State of Wisconsin.

Now what does all of this mean? Well, all of you crime fighting enthusiast shouldn’t be jumping for joy just yet. Let’s face it, a Judgment & Commitment is the root of cause for our massive prison population here in the United States of America. If you know anything at all about accounting, you know how important “ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES” are. When determining what a persons net worth is, cash on hand and receivables are considered as assets. For instance, if you have $100,000.00 in a bank account and you’re owed another $50,000.00, then you would subtract $150,000.00 from your liabilities. The amount left is your net worth.

So each defendant sentenced in the federal system is given a JUDGMENT & COMMITMENT. In a nutshell, the Courts monetize the cases by attaching a JUDGMENT to it by virtue of the “Statutes” i.e., (Fines, Court Cost and Restitution). Some of you may say, “That money goes to the victims of the crimes.” Then let’s assess the situation more carefully. Shall we? In Mr. Nida’s case the Judge ordered him to pay $1,948,214.85 to the courts and sentenced him to eight years in federal prison. Now in prison Apollo will be able to work at .12 cents an hour. Hardly enough to satisfy the debt in question. If I’m not mistaken he will be expected to be on “Supervised Release” , which is not parole, for a period of; let’s say, the worst case scenario 5 years. And since he’s a convicted felon; and I don’t see any future movie deals on the plate. It’s safe to say, Mr. Nida will get a minimum wage paying job; if that, after serving his sentence.

While on “Supervised Release” of course he will be expected to pay; at the very least, $100.00 dollars toward the aforementioned restitution. That doesn’t even put a dent in 2 million dollars. So what will happen to the remaining balance of the Restitution after Apollo’s “Supervised Release” is satisfied?  NOTHING! Mr. Nida will go on about his life and leave whatever remaining portion of the debt on the books. “That’s messed up!” Right? Not if you stop for a moment to consider the debt is just made up out of thin air. “COMMERCIAL PAPER!” Remember we’ve been taken off the gold standard a long time ago. Now this country operates by and large through “NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS”.

Basically, if someone owes you, you can leverage the debt. Or better yet, get a loan against the debt as long as you’ve downloadperfected the security interest. Which is no more than a chain of title attached to property, or in our case a DEFENDANT. Now Apollo Nida had co-defendant’s the same debt was attached to them. That’s right the same 2 million dollars placed on Apollo was placed on his co-defendant(s). So to simplify it, rather than them owing collectively 2 million dollars. The government creates two separate “JUDGMENT & COMMITMENT’s”. Which makes the case worth 4 million dollars when it’s taken to the bank and deposited. And to keep everything on track the Defendants are warehoused in a so-called prison to secure the debt. Just look up the Bureau of Prisons perspectives on Wallstreet. Moe Money! Moe Money! Moe Money! So you have to excuse me if I don’t seem to be too excited about our justice system. Since our citizens are being treated like cattle, pork bellies and other commodities on the stock exchange.  All this talk about the JUSTus system makes me want to travel down this road more in depth.

Stay tuned to my next post on THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.

This is your man MAESTRO getting it in and I’ll never fade. Don’t forget to buy my book RITA (The Sole Survivor) for more details,

YOUTUBE: RITA (The Sole Survivor)

THE BOOK IS ON SALE AT BARNES & NOBLE, Amazon, LuLu and you can order the book directly from me. Also look at my book trailer for books coming out in the fall