Posts Tagged ‘Antonio Moses Author’

Press Release: Open Casting Call for Web Series “CONSEQUENCES”

by Antonio Moses




“Consequences” is currently shooting in Atlanta and surrounding areas

ATLANTA, GA.  ASHANTI FILMS Casting announced today that it is seeking 21-38 year old, both male and female, all ethnicity to fill a small number of roles in the Web Series drama “CONSEQUENCES”, which premieres in 2017.

“We are widening our search to find young actors 21 and older who can pass for urban drama roles in episodes.  “While this open call is primarily for a specific episode, this will also enable us to keep a pool of young actors in our files for use on future episodes or projects.”

Here is the synopsis: Project Heat meets Snow In the Bluff. Two brother’s are at the top of their game running a multi-million dollar criminal enterprise, which stretches from the streets of Atlanta all the way to the sunny hills of California. The brothers loyalty is tested when their world starts to crumble and they find themselves falling down a spiraling staircase of deceit, lies and betrayal. To compound to their problems they find out a hit has been placed on their heads and no one can be trusted.  This is a web series drama.

An open casting call will take place in Atlanta on Saturday, June 05, 2016, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at Johnny M’s Pizza Bistro, 904 Martin Luther King Junior Dr., SW, Atlanta, GA 30318.  Applicants who fit the age requirements (21-38 years old only) will have their photos taken and may be asked to read lines in front of the casting director.

There is no charge to audition for any role.

Interested talent should be available to audition and work as locals in Atlanta, Georgia. No other roles are open to the public at this time, and the casting company cannot accept drop-in or telephone inquiries.

Applicants who are unable to attend Sunday’s open call should email their contact information, acting resume and a photo to  More information about Consequences Casting is available on the writer’s website at







“Hotlanta, a treat for lovers of urban fiction, sees the return of Antonio Moses in his second exciting hood raised joint. Hotlanta is a unique compilation of two hood raised stories What Goes Around and There Comes a Time, that demonstrate what it feels like growing up in the projects in Atlanta. The stories are filled with betrayal, lies, sex, and romance. In What Goes Around, Karma narrates the story in a unique and entertaining way. The story is about three groups of different people from opposite sides of the spectrum, who cross paths and subsequently find themselves in compromising situations which will change the course of their lives. The metaphor “You reap what you sow” has never been portrayed in a more colorful and convincing fashion. Each twist and turn of the story will entangle you more and more as you navigate your way through the pages of the story. Deshawn “Two-step” Whiterspoon is a professional football player and womanizer who finds out the hard way it’s cheaper to keep her and how waking up in someone else’s bed can prove to be an earth shattering experience. Whiterspoon’s wife finally conceives after months of trying and is elated to let Deshawn know the great news but is blown away after discovering what is contained in an envelope she finds in his coat pocket. Everything is cool until all hell breaks loose and the truth finally rears its ugly head. Deshawn can no longer hide is infidelity after his wife discovers the truth and the fallout will blow you away as the drama unfolds. Definitely another page turner! 

Click on the URL/link below to register RSVP:

Antonio Moses Author



He is a published author, and the Producer & Creator of Media Women Network! Corporation, a growth strategies firm with brand extensions in media, publishing and education/training for the career professional, entrepreneur and small business owner looking to grow for women. He is the voice behind Views from the Blog Talk Radio Show and the creative visionary responsible for What Is Street Justice! He has taken what started as a small professional network for women, and turned into an international power brand for men and women serious about professional and entrepreneurial growth in media. Moses is a veteran of the United States Army, so to say he knows more than a little bit about commitment is accurate. He worked with companies to create or improve their recruitment process, build recruitment teams and optimize their employment brands. He has trained authors to optimize their performance and success rates with their stories. He has a knack for finding the right people for a start-up environment. Moses puts the human element back in publishing. He is a Writer for Blende Magazine and blogger who has published articles, poems and essays on social media. He is known as a Networking Power Broker who has mastered traditional and social networking skills. As evidence, his smartphone contains some pretty powerful people he can turn to at any time for advice or just to chat. The author of three published books, he wrote THE BOOK Rita (The Sole Survivor) a novel and set the bar for how Urban Fiction books are written in the 21st century. He has been featured in numerous publications and blogs, as well as radio shows as a poet who uses diversity, networking, social media, entrepreneurship, career management and small business.

HOTLANTA! review



“Hotlanta, a treat for lovers of urban fiction, sees the return of Antonio Moses in his second exciting hood raised joint. Hotlanta is a unique compilation of two hood raised stories “What Goes Around and There Comes a Time”, that demonstrate what it feels like growing up in the streets of Atlanta. The stories are filled with betrayal, lies, sex, and romance. All of the necessary components to make a great story. In What Goes Around, Karma narrates the story in a unique and entertaining way. The story is about three groups of different people from opposite sides of the spectrum, who cross paths and subsequently find themselves in compromising situations which will change the course of their lives. The metaphor “You reap what you sow” has never been portrayed in a more compelling and convincing fashion. Each twist and turn of the pages will entangle you more and more in the saga as you navigate your way through the realities of the city streets. Deshawn “Two-step” Whiterspoon is a professional football player and womanizer who finds out the hard way, (it’s cheaper to keep her). You’ll also discover how dangerous one night stands can be and see first hand the reality of infidelity in our culure. Whiterspoon’s wife finally conceives after months of trying and is elated to let Deshawn know the great news but is blown away after discovering what is contained in an envelope she finds in his coat pocket. Everything is cool until all hell breaks loose and the truth finally rears its ugly head in the forms of death, betrayal and deceit. Deshawn can no longer hide his infidelity after his wife discovers the truth and the fallout will blow you away as the drama unfolds. Definitely another page turner!


Here we are at the gates of confusion and the voice of reasoning continues to be shut out because no one is willing to send out an invitation. Let’s face it, this problem isn’t going to go away as long as the corporate engine is given fuel to run. Guns are big business in America. the guns and ammunition industry continues to thrive in the United States. This year, the industry is expected to rack up a steady $11.7 billion in sales and $993 million in profits, according to analysts at IBIS World. Gun makers churned out nearly six million guns last year — double the number that they did a decade ago. Civilian gun sales have surged ever since the financial crisis and the election of President Obama. Many buyers, IBIS notes, were either worried about rising crime rates during the downturn or fearful of new gun-control laws under the Obama administration. Since 2007, the industry has grown at a brisk 5.7 percent annual pace.

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Analysts HAVE CALLED Obama “the best thing that ever happened to the firearm industry.”  During the first three-and-a-half years of the Obama administration, the FBI conducted nearly 50 million background checks on gun purchases — nearly double the amount during George W. Bush’s first term. (That’s usually a good indicator of rising interest.) The number of licensed dealerships has risen for the first time in 20 years. Now there is one thing I can say about the Government, whenever something tragic happens an official will seem to always find a scapegoat to take the fall.

I find it amazing how everyone is always caught up in the discussion of making it more difficult for convicted felons and mentally disturbed individuals to obtain firearms. When in fact…all of the mass shootings have  been carried out by so-called tax paying citizens. I don’t call a person crazy who has a sickness in their hearts. Every aspect of slavery was demoralizing and dehumanizing to blacks but to say whites were crazy makes no sense. It boiled down to what was in their hearts and how they perceived the world. The shooters in the mass shootings have one thing in common. They all possess a warped sense of thinking. Which means anyone at any time can be classified as being, “crazy” if they think outside the box or fall outside what we consider normal. Stay focused. They greatest illusionist used props and distractions to pull off their tricks.

So regardless of how stringent the governments policies are, it’s a proven fact guns will fall into the hands of people with bad intentions. Especially, if the perpetrators will be featured as the headline story in the news all over the world. As a practice WE, here on StreetJustice will never give the name of individuals who take it upon themselves to take innocent lives for the sake of fulfilling their selfish agendas. WE will never post their photos, social media sites nor will we deb into their background. We would rather devote that time and effort towards remembering the lives of the victims they harm.  In fact, there should be a bill proposed to erase their existence from every data base in the US. So with all due respect to the victims family members WE would like to take this moment to send out our prayers and best wishes.


WHEN a young man walked into an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012 and murdered 20 small children and six staff with a Bushmaster rifle from his mother’s gun collection, some wondered if a tipping-point had been reached. Surely America would now enact laws to keep lethal weapons out of the wrong hands? America has done nothing but allowed politics to act as our conscious at a time when senseless violence continue to plague our soil. Don’t get me wrong…I am not so caught up with in the tragedy that I have abandoned common sense. There is absolutely no way to keep us safe from all dangers. Placing a ban on gun will not solve our problem. There are a lot of factors to consider in this discussion. But there has to be an open forum established and lawmakers have to be held accountable for the choices they make regarding this matter.

Numbers don’t lie! Or can we be deceived by general stats to make us feel safer? Particularly, when statistics are involved, the determination of what constitutes a credible fact (and what does not) can contain elements of personal subjectivity. It is our mission to minimize subjective information and to provide highly factual content.

At the 2013 homicide rate, roughly one in every 285 Americans will be murdered in the course of their lives.

* A U.S. Justice Department study based on crime data from 1974-1985 found:

• 42% of Americans will be the victim of a completed violent crime (assault, robbery, rape) in the course of their lives.

• 83% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime.

• 52% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime more than once.

* A 1997 survey of more than 18,000 prison inmates found that among those serving time for a violent crime, “30% of State offenders and 35% of Federal offenders carried a firearm when committing the crime.”

Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws.  But the question is: WHEN DOES FREEDOM OF SPEECH TAKE AWAY YOUR FREEDOM? Freedom of speech is the right to communicate one’s opinions and ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

Recently a Georgia woman, Ebony Dickens, was arrested for posting rants stating in part, “all blacks should rise up and shot every white cop.” Protecting free speech means protecting a free press, the democratic process, diversity of thought, and so much more. Now how is that this woman’s Facebook page be sent to the news media for ranting and the individuals who keep carrying out mass shooting all over America continue to execute innocent people in the street.

The First Amendment of the Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference. See United States Amendment I. Freedom of expression consists of the rights to freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, and the implied rights of association and belief. The Supreme Court interprets the extent of the protection afforded to these rights. The First Amendment has been interpreted by the Court as applying to the entire federal government even though it is only expressly applicable to Congress. Furthermore, the Court has interpreted, the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as protecting the rights in the First Amendment from interference by state governments. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV.

Here we have a police officer telling you actually the way he feels. But he’s not just speaking for himself. He is a pawn speaking for an organization with ominous political agendas. Plain and simple the United States is a racist country, there is absolutely no way of dancing around the subject. Blacks and minorities are being killed in record numbers by white police officers all around the U.S., this is a fact which cannot be disputed.

If the government is going to arrest people, ie., BLACK PEOPLE, for speaking out… Then surely people; ie., WHITE PEOPLE, who rant and make manifestos publicly on social media should be arrested too before we find them in headlines reading, “ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING” took place somewhere in America.

I’m all about justice! I call a spade a spade and based on the way laws are executed in this country it’s safe to say the United States is in fact a racist country. Despite the fact we have an African American president and BET,  (BLACK ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION) which isn’t black owned.

According to FBI statistics, 27 police officers were feloniously killed in 2013, the lowest raw number in more than 50 years. (The previous low was 41 in 2008.) If we go by officer homicides as a percentage of active-duty police, it was probably the safest year in a century. The number of cops killed on duty has been falling since the mid-1990s, consistent with the overall drop in violent crime in America. Assaults against police officers have been in decline as well.

I don’t care what school of thought you ascribe to. It’s clear to see how the powers that be are responsible for how our perceptions are shaped. When one group is discriminated against by the laws which govern the land, it sends out a serious message. I am not advocating violence, I’m just speaking out against it.

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This is Maestro and I’m out!




He is a published author, and the Producer & Creator of Media Women Network! Ashanti Media Solutions, a growth strategies firm with brand extensions in media, publishing and education/training for the career professional, entrepreneur and small business owner looking to grow for women. He is the voice behind Views from the Blog Talk Radio Show and the creative visionary responsible for What Is Street Justice! Antonio Moses has taken what started as a small professional network for women, and turned into an international power brand for men and women serious about professional and entrepreneurial growth in media. Moses is a veteran of the United States Army, so to say he knows more than a little bit about commitment would be accurate. He worked with companies to create or improve their recruitment process, build recruitment teams and optimize their employment brands. He has trained authors to optimize their performance and success rates with their stories. He has a knack for finding the right people for a start-up environment. Moses puts the human element back in publishing. He is a Writer for Blende Magazine and blogger who has published articles, poems and essays on social media. He is known as a Networking Power Broker who has mastered traditional and social networking skills. As evidence, his smartphone contains some pretty powerful people he can turn to at any time for advice or just to chat. The author of three published books, he wrote THE BOOK Rita (The Sole Survivor) a novel and set the bar for how Urban Fiction books are written in the 21st century. He has been featured in numerous publications and blogs, as well as radio shows as a poet who uses diversity, networking, social media, entrepreneurship, career management and small business.


The Beginning

It is generally agreed that, all of us are connected in every way imaginable and, unquestionably, are members of the same species. Although you may differ in your customs and beliefs, in your fashions and fetishes or in your codes of conduct, there is a thread that binds each of you together. All ethical theories arise because people are dissatisfied either with the progress in their lives or an issue with the world in which they live in. And as a direct or indirect result morality, as you know it, is most definitely relative during the course of human relations and is very real.
At absolutely every stage in the human existence, there are certain truths that present themselves which cannot be denied. And those who subject themselves to the whims of their lower desires will remain trapped in a paradigm of a never-ending story. Regardless of which deity you entrust your faith, there is an objective reality that elevates man to this higher self-awareness. Yet, you remain vulnerable to the deceptive whispers that lie beneath. The notion of fair play animating the balance precludes any religion from proclaiming any law affecting the sovereignty of man. That would entirely overstate the stereo-types, which limits its vision too narrowly, when compared to the complex properties associated with the commingling of a variety of people. This brings us to the present.
Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am the balance of two extremes. I am neither here nor there, but I can and have been known to simultaneously occupy the same space at different times. However, I lack the authority to judge, so there is absolutely no need for me to hate or have the desire to forgive.
To those who operate in the scientific world…I don’t even matter, but to philosophers I am somewhat empirical; yet, abstract in a sense. To theologians I am most notably referred to as “Absolute”. But in the Western part of civilization I am simply called, “KARMA”. I’m sure you have heard the old cliche, “What goes around, comes around”.
I am the pendulum that swings between the passions of your dreams and facts, and anytime the balance is swayed, it’s my job to put it back. It is said that consciousness creates its own frequency and it is through that medium I am able to do my work. Take ANDRE, DESHAWN, RED EYE and SOLO for instance. They have unconsciously gone about their mundane lives without a care in the world, just living each day as if the next was promised to them. Never for one moment did they take into account they are creating an imprint that will inevitably shape their lives. Putting it another way, the seeds they plant depend on their deeds for nourishment.
Every passing day this subjective reality takes form. Now keep in mind I’m not God, so please…save your prayers. In fact, what you believe doesn’t really matter to me. In my existence, actions speak louder than words. You feel me? I realize that, as humans, you are going to make mistakes. That’s what makes this assignment so entertaining. I mean look, I could have been anything I wanted to be in this universe an angel, a star or a tree. Naw, that’s not for me. I wanted to be on the front line. You know what I’m saying? I’m in the trenches on the battle field, watching man rise and fall.
If none of this is making any sense to you, it will by the end of this story. I tell you what. Allow me to introduce you to one of my newest clients, to give you a better understanding of what my job actually en-tails.








HotlantaOfficialCoverIT IS FINALLY OFFICIAL “HOTLANTA!” IS ON SALE. Being from Atlanta just got even sweeter. Not only does Atlanta have some of the best night clubs  and job opportunities for African Americans, it has also become a thriving metropolis. The type of city where a brother can be just about what he wants to be. Arguably Atlanta is one of the hottest cities in the United States and in my opinion a fantastic place to live. Now it doesn’t matter what end of the spectrum you land on, HOTlanta has something for you. There are a lot of stories in the naked city and Antonio Moses masterfully bring some of them to life in his new book “HOTLANTA!” Antonio is the author who brought you RITA (The Sole Survivor) and it seems like he has a lot more Urban Tales in the chamber to entertain you with. Find out how Karma plays its way into the lives of DESHAWN “Two-Step” WHITHERSPOON “a talented NFL football player”  and ANDRE MATHIS a young trial attorney who makes history by becoming the first Black attorney in a Jewish law firm. “HOTLANTA” will also take you deep into the trap of the first projects in the U.S., “Techwood”, and find out what two street hustlers “SOLO and RED EYES”  are willing to do to make a buck. HOTLANTA is made up of two banging short stories, “What Goes Around & THERE COMES A TIME”. These stories are fast paced and filled with a lot of passion, drama, and suspense. It has a little something for everyone. This book is guaranteed to keep you “UP” and once you’ve started reading it, you will NOT want to put it down until you’ve finished.

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Whitney Houston was an American singer and actress whose first four albums, released between 1985 and 1992, and amassed global sales in excess of 86 million copies. Born on August 9, 1963, in Newark, New Jersey, Whitney Houston released her debut album at age 22 and scored three number one singles. Whitney (1987) delivered four more number ones and earned Houston her first Grammy. With her marriage to singer Bobby Brown in 1992, Houston’s career got off track. She made a comeback with 2009’s I Look to You. Houston died on February 11, 2012.

Born August 9, 1963 in Newark, New Jersey, Whitney Houston almost seemed destined from birth to become a singer. Her mother Cissy Houston, Cousin Dionne Warwick and godmother Aretha Franklin were all legendary figures in American gospel and soul music. Cissy Houston was the choir minister at New Hope Baptist Church, and it was there that a young Whitney got her start. Even as a child, Whitney was able to wow audiences; she later told interviewer Diane Sawyer that a rapturous response from the congregation at New Hope had a powerful effect upon her: “I think I knew then that [my singing ability] was an infectious thing that God had given me.”

By the time she turned 15, Whitney was performing often with her mother and trying to get a record deal of her own. Around the same time, she was discovered by a photographer who was awed by her natural beauty. She soon became an extremely sought-after teenage model, one of the first African American women to appear on the cover of Seventeen magazine. But music remained her true love.

When she was 19, Whitney Houston was discovered in a nightclub by the renowned Clive Davis of Arista Records, who signed her immediately and took the helm of her career as she navigated from gospel to pop stardom. In 1983, Houston made her debut on national television, appearing on The Merv Griffin Show to sing “Home” from the musical The Wiz. She and Davis spent the next two years working on her debut album, finding the best producers and songwriters available to showcase her amazing vocal talent.

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In 1998, Houston released My Love Is Your Love, her first non-soundtrack studio album in many years, and it earned her another Grammy but could not top the chart performance of her previous albums. However, her collaboration with Mariah Carey in the animated film The Prince of Egypt produced a single, “When You Believe,” which won an Academy Award.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Houston’s increasingly rocky marriage, struggles with drugs and health problems threatened to derail her career. Several concert cancellations and a notorious TV interview with Diane Sawyer in 2002 in which Houston appeared far too thin and in very poor health led many to speculate that she was on the verge of a breakdown.

In 2004, Bobby Brown started filming a reality show for Bravo entitled Being Bobby Brown; Whitney received substantial airtime. The show aired during the worst years of the couple’s crumbling marriage; drug abuse, lifestyle excess and deplorable behavior were all caught on tape and Whitney’s reputation fell to new lows. Whitney did everything in her power to ignore the controversy, charging ahead with her music by releasing Just Whitney… to combat her detractors, but it did not match the success of her earlier works. In spite of her troubled relationship, Houston was still celebrated as a singer, being named the most-awarded female artist of all time by Guiness World Records in 2006.

For the next few years, Houston tried desperately to repair her marriage and to break her drug habit, but after several relapses her mother, Cissy, had to step in. As Whitney Houston explained to Oprah Winfrey in 2009: “[My mother] walks in with the sheriff and she says: ‘I have a court injunction here. You do it my way or we’re not going to do this at all. You’re going to go on TV, and you’re going to retire. And say you’re going to give this up because it’s not worth it.'” Whitney took a break from her career, divorced Bobby Brown in 2007, and won sole custody of their child, Bobbi Kristina Houston Brown.

After struggling with her professional life for nearly a decade, Whitney seemed to be pulling herself together. She released a new album, I Look To You, in 2009. “The songs themselves will speak to you and you’ll understand where I am and some of the changes I’ve gone through for the better,” Houston told Entertainment Tonight. The recording received a warm welcome from music fans, making to the top of album charts. Her live shows, however, garnered mixed reviews with some complaining about the quality of her voice.

In early 2012, the word circulating in the music industry was that Whitney was suffering financially, but she denied this claim. She, in fact, seemed to be poised for a career upswing. Houston worked on a new musical film Sparkle with Jordin Sparks, a remake of the 1976 movie about an all-girl musical group similar to the Supremes. She had reportedly been approached to join the singing competition The X Factor as a judge. Unfortunately, Houston did not live long enough to see the latest comeback reach fruition.

Whitney Houston died on February 11, 2012, in Los Angeles. Houston had been seen out in the days before her death, including at one of the pre-Grammy Award parties. According to a report released by the Los Angeles County coroner’s office on March 22, 2012, the official cause of her death was accidental drowning. The effects of heart disease and cocaine found in her system were contributing factors. With her passing, the music world has lost one of its most legendary stars. Her longtime supporter and mentor Clive Davis once said that Houston “is in the great tradition of great, great singers, whether it’s Lena Horne or Ella Fitzgerald or Sarah Vaughn or Gladys Knight.”


Media Women of Atlanta

Written Antonio Moses 2014


No personal journey is complete without a defining point. There has to be struggle in our lives in order for man to appreciate what it feels like to conquer life’s unexpected challenges. So we rejoice after the accomplishments and seek shelter, as the outstretched arms of indulgence stands by unafraid. Which in terms, manifest itself in an illustration of a captive lifestyle set free. However, the answers haven’t always presented themselves.

Over  the  past     few  years  I’ve  struggled  every  way imaginable. So many different trials and tribulations continue to have their way with me.  I truly believe  that  adversity  seldom  attaches  itself to  the  consciousness  of  a man who has given up  on  life  And  for  the most  part ,  equality entirely overstates the stereotypes , which  limit  its  vision  too  narrowly  when  compared with  the complex  properties  associated  with  the  commingling  of  a variety of  people. So I conveniently confide in a theme  that protects me under a color of universal law, that I inherited  through the  pain of  my  ancestor’s  grief.

There is a distinct difference in my mind governing tradition and the truth. Yet, we have a problem understanding the answer to most of our problems lies with our misguided youth. Too often are we manipulated by society’s external perceptions of what’s deemed to be right? But  to  what extreme  would  you   be   willing   to  travel, to  extricate  the  secrets  that  binds us  together  in  a  separate, but  equal,  state  of  perpetual  ignorance .

I for one, will never feed into its scheme, by blaming the very thing I have been  taught, or become infected or enslaved because  I’ll never  be betrayed and end up lost. But by force of wind, I sometimes forget the right thing to say, so in the privacy of my shelter I often kneel then close my eyes and pray. Asking God for a reason or at least, a glimpse into the cause. While I sit here doing time… doing nothing at all. There are times I pier into the night and end up walking through the dark alone aimlessly. Shall I be forced to testify on that which I recall, or be threaten by a distant call to be free?

This poem is dedicated to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., for his service and commitment to fighting for what he believed in.  It is entitled: “BURY ME FREE”



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Dress me

In a suit of armor

Worthy of my grave

Comfort me

With the attention

Undeserving of a slave


Don’t judge me

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On my defiance or

For my relentless pursuit

Or despise me

For the hate that caused

Another Black man to loot.


Just give me

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DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., head of Southern Christian Leadership conference speaks to thousands, during his I HAVE A DREAM speech.

My due respect

You don’t have to be afraid

And remember me

To be something more

Than another figure betrayed


All I ask is to be happy

In the last days

Of my quest

And shower me

With the blessings

Of your undying wholesomeness


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Don’t spite me insufferably,

On some street corner

In the hood

Just “Bury Me Free”,

In hollowed ground

Beside the Brothers who understood.



Antonio Moses