Antonio Moses Author



He is a published author, and the Producer & Creator of Media Women Network! Corporation, a growth strategies firm with brand extensions in media, publishing and education/training for the career professional, entrepreneur and small business owner looking to grow for women. He is the voice behind Views from the Blog Talk Radio Show and the creative visionary responsible for What Is Street Justice! He has taken what started as a small professional network for women, and turned into an international power brand for men and women serious about professional and entrepreneurial growth in media. Moses is a veteran of the United States Army, so to say he knows more than a little bit about commitment is accurate. He worked with companies to create or improve their recruitment process, build recruitment teams and optimize their employment brands. He has trained authors to optimize their performance and success rates with their stories. He has a knack for finding the right people for a start-up environment. Moses puts the human element back in publishing. He is a Writer for Blende Magazine and blogger who has published articles, poems and essays on social media. He is known as a Networking Power Broker who has mastered traditional and social networking skills. As evidence, his smartphone contains some pretty powerful people he can turn to at any time for advice or just to chat. The author of three published books, he wrote THE BOOK Rita (The Sole Survivor) a novel and set the bar for how Urban Fiction books are written in the 21st century. He has been featured in numerous publications and blogs, as well as radio shows as a poet who uses diversity, networking, social media, entrepreneurship, career management and small business.

HOTLANTA! review



“Hotlanta, a treat for lovers of urban fiction, sees the return of Antonio Moses in his second exciting hood raised joint. Hotlanta is a unique compilation of two hood raised stories “What Goes Around and There Comes a Time”, that demonstrate what it feels like growing up in the streets of Atlanta. The stories are filled with betrayal, lies, sex, and romance. All of the necessary components to make a great story. In What Goes Around, Karma narrates the story in a unique and entertaining way. The story is about three groups of different people from opposite sides of the spectrum, who cross paths and subsequently find themselves in compromising situations which will change the course of their lives. The metaphor “You reap what you sow” has never been portrayed in a more compelling and convincing fashion. Each twist and turn of the pages will entangle you more and more in the saga as you navigate your way through the realities of the city streets. Deshawn “Two-step” Whiterspoon is a professional football player and womanizer who finds out the hard way, (it’s cheaper to keep her). You’ll also discover how dangerous one night stands can be and see first hand the reality of infidelity in our culure. Whiterspoon’s wife finally conceives after months of trying and is elated to let Deshawn know the great news but is blown away after discovering what is contained in an envelope she finds in his coat pocket. Everything is cool until all hell breaks loose and the truth finally rears its ugly head in the forms of death, betrayal and deceit. Deshawn can no longer hide his infidelity after his wife discovers the truth and the fallout will blow you away as the drama unfolds. Definitely another page turner!


Here we are at the gates of confusion and the voice of reasoning continues to be shut out because no one is willing to send out an invitation. Let’s face it, this problem isn’t going to go away as long as the corporate engine is given fuel to run. Guns are big business in America. the guns and ammunition industry continues to thrive in the United States. This year, the industry is expected to rack up a steady $11.7 billion in sales and $993 million in profits, according to analysts at IBIS World. Gun makers churned out nearly six million guns last year — double the number that they did a decade ago. Civilian gun sales have surged ever since the financial crisis and the election of President Obama. Many buyers, IBIS notes, were either worried about rising crime rates during the downturn or fearful of new gun-control laws under the Obama administration. Since 2007, the industry has grown at a brisk 5.7 percent annual pace.

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Analysts HAVE CALLED Obama “the best thing that ever happened to the firearm industry.”  During the first three-and-a-half years of the Obama administration, the FBI conducted nearly 50 million background checks on gun purchases — nearly double the amount during George W. Bush’s first term. (That’s usually a good indicator of rising interest.) The number of licensed dealerships has risen for the first time in 20 years. Now there is one thing I can say about the Government, whenever something tragic happens an official will seem to always find a scapegoat to take the fall.

I find it amazing how everyone is always caught up in the discussion of making it more difficult for convicted felons and mentally disturbed individuals to obtain firearms. When in fact…all of the mass shootings have  been carried out by so-called tax paying citizens. I don’t call a person crazy who has a sickness in their hearts. Every aspect of slavery was demoralizing and dehumanizing to blacks but to say whites were crazy makes no sense. It boiled down to what was in their hearts and how they perceived the world. The shooters in the mass shootings have one thing in common. They all possess a warped sense of thinking. Which means anyone at any time can be classified as being, “crazy” if they think outside the box or fall outside what we consider normal. Stay focused. They greatest illusionist used props and distractions to pull off their tricks.

So regardless of how stringent the governments policies are, it’s a proven fact guns will fall into the hands of people with bad intentions. Especially, if the perpetrators will be featured as the headline story in the news all over the world. As a practice WE, here on StreetJustice will never give the name of individuals who take it upon themselves to take innocent lives for the sake of fulfilling their selfish agendas. WE will never post their photos, social media sites nor will we deb into their background. We would rather devote that time and effort towards remembering the lives of the victims they harm.  In fact, there should be a bill proposed to erase their existence from every data base in the US. So with all due respect to the victims family members WE would like to take this moment to send out our prayers and best wishes.


WHEN a young man walked into an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut in December 2012 and murdered 20 small children and six staff with a Bushmaster rifle from his mother’s gun collection, some wondered if a tipping-point had been reached. Surely America would now enact laws to keep lethal weapons out of the wrong hands? America has done nothing but allowed politics to act as our conscious at a time when senseless violence continue to plague our soil. Don’t get me wrong…I am not so caught up with in the tragedy that I have abandoned common sense. There is absolutely no way to keep us safe from all dangers. Placing a ban on gun will not solve our problem. There are a lot of factors to consider in this discussion. But there has to be an open forum established and lawmakers have to be held accountable for the choices they make regarding this matter.

Numbers don’t lie! Or can we be deceived by general stats to make us feel safer? Particularly, when statistics are involved, the determination of what constitutes a credible fact (and what does not) can contain elements of personal subjectivity. It is our mission to minimize subjective information and to provide highly factual content.

At the 2013 homicide rate, roughly one in every 285 Americans will be murdered in the course of their lives.

* A U.S. Justice Department study based on crime data from 1974-1985 found:

• 42% of Americans will be the victim of a completed violent crime (assault, robbery, rape) in the course of their lives.

• 83% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime.

• 52% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime more than once.

* A 1997 survey of more than 18,000 prison inmates found that among those serving time for a violent crime, “30% of State offenders and 35% of Federal offenders carried a firearm when committing the crime.”



He is a published author, and the Producer & Creator of Media Women Network! Ashanti Media Solutions, a growth strategies firm with brand extensions in media, publishing and education/training for the career professional, entrepreneur and small business owner looking to grow for women. He is the voice behind Views from the Blog Talk Radio Show and the creative visionary responsible for What Is Street Justice! Antonio Moses has taken what started as a small professional network for women, and turned into an international power brand for men and women serious about professional and entrepreneurial growth in media. Moses is a veteran of the United States Army, so to say he knows more than a little bit about commitment would be accurate. He worked with companies to create or improve their recruitment process, build recruitment teams and optimize their employment brands. He has trained authors to optimize their performance and success rates with their stories. He has a knack for finding the right people for a start-up environment. Moses puts the human element back in publishing. He is a Writer for Blende Magazine and blogger who has published articles, poems and essays on social media. He is known as a Networking Power Broker who has mastered traditional and social networking skills. As evidence, his smartphone contains some pretty powerful people he can turn to at any time for advice or just to chat. The author of three published books, he wrote THE BOOK Rita (The Sole Survivor) a novel and set the bar for how Urban Fiction books are written in the 21st century. He has been featured in numerous publications and blogs, as well as radio shows as a poet who uses diversity, networking, social media, entrepreneurship, career management and small business.


The Beginning

It is generally agreed that, all of us are connected in every way imaginable and, unquestionably, are members of the same species. Although you may differ in your customs and beliefs, in your fashions and fetishes or in your codes of conduct, there is a thread that binds each of you together. All ethical theories arise because people are dissatisfied either with the progress in their lives or an issue with the world in which they live in. And as a direct or indirect result morality, as you know it, is most definitely relative during the course of human relations and is very real.
At absolutely every stage in the human existence, there are certain truths that present themselves which cannot be denied. And those who subject themselves to the whims of their lower desires will remain trapped in a paradigm of a never-ending story. Regardless of which deity you entrust your faith, there is an objective reality that elevates man to this higher self-awareness. Yet, you remain vulnerable to the deceptive whispers that lie beneath. The notion of fair play animating the balance precludes any religion from proclaiming any law affecting the sovereignty of man. That would entirely overstate the stereo-types, which limits its vision too narrowly, when compared to the complex properties associated with the commingling of a variety of people. This brings us to the present.
Please allow me to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am the balance of two extremes. I am neither here nor there, but I can and have been known to simultaneously occupy the same space at different times. However, I lack the authority to judge, so there is absolutely no need for me to hate or have the desire to forgive.
To those who operate in the scientific world…I don’t even matter, but to philosophers I am somewhat empirical; yet, abstract in a sense. To theologians I am most notably referred to as “Absolute”. But in the Western part of civilization I am simply called, “KARMA”. I’m sure you have heard the old cliche, “What goes around, comes around”.
I am the pendulum that swings between the passions of your dreams and facts, and anytime the balance is swayed, it’s my job to put it back. It is said that consciousness creates its own frequency and it is through that medium I am able to do my work. Take ANDRE, DESHAWN, RED EYE and SOLO for instance. They have unconsciously gone about their mundane lives without a care in the world, just living each day as if the next was promised to them. Never for one moment did they take into account they are creating an imprint that will inevitably shape their lives. Putting it another way, the seeds they plant depend on their deeds for nourishment.
Every passing day this subjective reality takes form. Now keep in mind I’m not God, so please…save your prayers. In fact, what you believe doesn’t really matter to me. In my existence, actions speak louder than words. You feel me? I realize that, as humans, you are going to make mistakes. That’s what makes this assignment so entertaining. I mean look, I could have been anything I wanted to be in this universe an angel, a star or a tree. Naw, that’s not for me. I wanted to be on the front line. You know what I’m saying? I’m in the trenches on the battle field, watching man rise and fall.
If none of this is making any sense to you, it will by the end of this story. I tell you what. Allow me to introduce you to one of my newest clients, to give you a better understanding of what my job actually en-tails.











For the last six months a lot has been stirring in the air about the new TV Reality Show, Media Women of Atlanta. On the 28th of March, Media Women Network launched the first of many casting calls to take place for the show. Five unique groups of women battle for their career placement in the media industry by creating the Hottest Magazine! 25 talented women will be chosen to be contestants but only five women will be standing at the end of this competition.

The producer promises that the show will be entertaining as well as uplifting for women without the drama and degrading antics you find on other TV Reality Shows. Atlanta will be the first city to host the franchise, the following seasons will be shot in major city like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, and Houston. But who’s to say what will happen in the spirit of competition? This show will offer everyone a little bit of something, so if entertainment is what you want then this is your show.

With each city comes a new and exciting competition to watch, so sit back and wait for the fiasco. Contestants will be chosen from all around the world so if you’re an aspiring writer, journalist, graphics designer, photographer or editor-in-chief this could be your lucky break into an industry in need of an overhaul.


HotlantaOfficialCoverIT IS FINALLY OFFICIAL “HOTLANTA!” IS ON SALE. Being from Atlanta just got even sweeter. Not only does Atlanta have some of the best night clubs  and job opportunities for African Americans, it has also become a thriving metropolis. The type of city where a brother can be just about what he wants to be. Arguably Atlanta is one of the hottest cities in the United States and in my opinion a fantastic place to live. Now it doesn’t matter what end of the spectrum you land on, HOTlanta has something for you. There are a lot of stories in the naked city and Antonio Moses masterfully bring some of them to life in his new book “HOTLANTA!” Antonio is the author who brought you RITA (The Sole Survivor) and it seems like he has a lot more Urban Tales in the chamber to entertain you with. Find out how Karma plays its way into the lives of DESHAWN “Two-Step” WHITHERSPOON “a talented NFL football player”  and ANDRE MATHIS a young trial attorney who makes history by becoming the first Black attorney in a Jewish law firm. “HOTLANTA” will also take you deep into the trap of the first projects in the U.S., “Techwood”, and find out what two street hustlers “SOLO and RED EYES”  are willing to do to make a buck. HOTLANTA is made up of two banging short stories, “What Goes Around & THERE COMES A TIME”. These stories are fast paced and filled with a lot of passion, drama, and suspense. It has a little something for everyone. This book is guaranteed to keep you “UP” and once you’ve started reading it, you will NOT want to put it down until you’ve finished.