Antonio Moses Author



He is a published author, and the Producer & Creator of Media Women Network! Corporation, a growth strategies firm with brand extensions in media, publishing and education/training for the career professional, entrepreneur and small business owner looking to grow for women. He is the voice behind Views from the Blog Talk Radio Show and the creative visionary responsible for What Is Street Justice! He has taken what started as a small professional network for women, and turned into an international power brand for men and women serious about professional and entrepreneurial growth in media. Moses is a veteran of the United States Army, so to say he knows more than a little bit about commitment is accurate. He worked with companies to create or improve their recruitment process, build recruitment teams and optimize their employment brands. He has trained authors to optimize their performance and success rates with their stories. He has a knack for finding the right people for a start-up environment. Moses puts the human element back in publishing. He is a Writer for Blende Magazine and blogger who has published articles, poems and essays on social media. He is known as a Networking Power Broker who has mastered traditional and social networking skills. As evidence, his smartphone contains some pretty powerful people he can turn to at any time for advice or just to chat. The author of three published books, he wrote THE BOOK Rita (The Sole Survivor) a novel and set the bar for how Urban Fiction books are written in the 21st century. He has been featured in numerous publications and blogs, as well as radio shows as a poet who uses diversity, networking, social media, entrepreneurship, career management and small business.

HOTLANTA! review



“Hotlanta, a treat for lovers of urban fiction, sees the return of Antonio Moses in his second exciting hood raised joint. Hotlanta is a unique compilation of two hood raised stories “What Goes Around and There Comes a Time”, that demonstrate what it feels like growing up in the streets of Atlanta. The stories are filled with betrayal, lies, sex, and romance. All of the necessary components to make a great story. In What Goes Around, Karma narrates the story in a unique and entertaining way. The story is about three groups of different people from opposite sides of the spectrum, who cross paths and subsequently find themselves in compromising situations which will change the course of their lives. The metaphor “You reap what you sow” has never been portrayed in a more compelling and convincing fashion. Each twist and turn of the pages will entangle you more and more in the saga as you navigate your way through the realities of the city streets. Deshawn “Two-step” Whiterspoon is a professional football player and womanizer who finds out the hard way, (it’s cheaper to keep her). You’ll also discover how dangerous one night stands can be and see first hand the reality of infidelity in our culure. Whiterspoon’s wife finally conceives after months of trying and is elated to let Deshawn know the great news but is blown away after discovering what is contained in an envelope she finds in his coat pocket. Everything is cool until all hell breaks loose and the truth finally rears its ugly head in the forms of death, betrayal and deceit. Deshawn can no longer hide his infidelity after his wife discovers the truth and the fallout will blow you away as the drama unfolds. Definitely another page turner!

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